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TW: nearly death and  jumping off a train

Pls dont come at me when you read "station master", Netflix's subtitles said that

"No sign of the two children, sir." A man's voice said behind Enola Holmes. 

"I want an assurance that my son  is not-"

"-He is not on this train." The man said again after cutting off the woman's sentence.

"How about his friend?" The woman asked again.

"Not even her." 

"Of course they're not on this train! You simply haven't looked properly!" Another man said, "Sir, I've had my officers search this train from top to bottom." The first man replied.

"Darling, perhaps we should just-" An old woman said but was cut off by the second man.

"Quiet, mother." 

"He had the carriage drop him here this morning. He must be here somewhere." The first woman, who Enola thought was the mother said. Enola turned around to see what was happening.

"We'll we're not even sure the darling boy's on the train with Yellowfield." The same old woman said. "I'm so sorry, this is such a fuss."

Enola opened the door and stepped in the train as the adults kept talking.

"This train must leave. We're running extremely late."  The station master said.

"You don't understand, This is my son and his friend. Her parents will be furious with us!" The mother said.

"it leaves now." The station master said again before the whistle blew.

"Don't let this train leave without someone on it!" She said. "I insist!"

Enola watched from her window as the train began to leave.


Enola took off her jacket before sitting down and looking out of the window again. 

After a while, she noticed that there was  a bag moving.

She looked at it carefully as it rested on top of something.

Then, something- or someone in the bag sneezed.

"Ugh that's disgusting, Tewkesbury! At least cover your nose when you sneeze." A hushed voice scolded.

"Sorry, Yellowfield." "Tewkesbury" said.

"Yellowfield..." Enola mumbled as she continued to stare at the moving bag.

"Quick, get the knife so we don't have to share the same air anymore." The same voice who scolded Tewkesbury said.

Then, Enola saw a small knife pop out of the bag and cut its way through, making a big rip for whoever was in it to get out.

Then a hand showed up from the bag and tried to find the zipper of the bag.

But instead, the person unsuccessfully didn't find the zipper and made the bag fall.

A loud groan was heard before a person spoke.


Two people came out of the bag, not even noticing there was a girl in the carriage too.

One of them, who was a girl turned around and slapped the boy's arm.

The boy turned around too in surprise.



The two greeted Enola.

"Please get out of this carriage." Enola said.

One Sided Love - Tewkesbury X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now