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"I'm sorry." Enola and Tewkesbury said at the same time before looking away.

Y/N swore she saw a faint pink tint on their faces.

Y/N sighed and got up, "I'm gonna go for a walk." She said before leaving, completely ignoring her friends' questions.

Y/N looked around the cold and dark field she walked.

She admired the stars and the full moon that gave the night sky light.

But soon, Y/N's feet became tired after walking for what seems like ages and decided to find a place to sit down.

She then sat down under a nearby tree, her eyes connecting with the sky again.

She took a deep breath in and out.

Many things were going on in her intelligent mind of hers.


Their escape,

Her family,

Her life now,

And her feelings.

To be honest, she never really thought about her feelings because she was always with Tewkesbury.

It was just them.

But now since they've met Enola, she had to get used to him hanging out with her more.

Y/N may seem greedy, but she isn't. She just wasn't used to making new friends because again, it was just her and Tewkesbury.

She wants to be his favorite and the one who makes his day. Because he was hers.

But that wasn't just the reason. After her father left she started to have attachment issues.

So it was a bit hard for her to watch Tewkesbury become friends with Enola,

Speaking of Tewkesbury and Enola, she could hear them laugh from afar.

Then, she remembered the look in their eyes.

She sighed and looked at the moon, then at the stars and admired the beautiful night sky.

Y/N then got up again after a few minutes and walked around the field again.

Y/N would kneel down from time to time to look or even pick up some flowers.

Time flew by so fast that she didn't realize that the moon was being replaced by the sun.

But she had already fallen asleep.

It didn't take long for Tewkesbury to find her. He smiled at the sight of her asleep and sat down next to her and tries to wake her up.

"Y/N, wake up." He gently said. Y/N groaned. "Let me sleep. 5 more minutes please." She mumbled.

He chuckled softly at her, "I got a new haircut. Wanna see?" He asked.

"Only if I can put a flower I found behind your ear." She said, her eyes still closed.

Her friend smiled widely, "Of course."

Y/N's eyes opened immediately and searched for the flower she spoke about earlier (and didn't take a second or two to look at her friend's new haircut) in the bouquet she created. And when she found it, she looked at her friend but gasped.

"Your hair-"

"-Like it?" He smugly said with a smug smile.

"Honestly, you look better with short hair."

"Oh really? Is this new charm of mine charming you, Dandelion?"

"You wish, Flower Boy." She replies and places the Zinnia behind his ear.

"Zinnia, because it means affection, friendship, everlasting love, remembrance, and tribute." She said and sits down again, but in front of him.

"Hm, we're all in for friendship and love are we huh? What's next? A kiss and a big change of our relationship?" He jokes.

Y/N fake chuckled, "Let's see."

I wonder what it's like to be loved by you.

One Sided Love - Tewkesbury X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now