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Before we start, I hope you all know that the songs I pick don't always explain the chapter or match the chapter's theme really well, I only use them because the line I wanna use is there and I also add the song for you all to understand :)

Soon, the carriage arrived at their house.

The house looked- nice if Y/N had to be honest.

It was a big house, a house that any typical rich man would buy. But she couldn't deny that  the trees and plants made it look better, as they made the sight beautiful and lively.

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"Home sweet home." Her father sighed happily. 

"I can't wait to see my Lily Flower again," He added. Y/N looked at him, "Lily Flower? Who's Lily Flower?" 

"Ah, yes, your stepmother. You'll love her, I promise." He said and held his daughter's hand gently.

Y/N doubted his words but gave him a faint smile.

She hoped that  Lily wasn't like those evil stepmothers.

Y/N stared at her new home in awe, her brother noticed this and smiled. "You'll love the decorations that's inside of the house even more." Y/N looked at him and gave another faint smile. "Well, I do hope so." She said as the carriage came to a stop.

"Shall we?" Her father asked, Y/N nodded.

Her father got off of the carriage first and offered his handout  to Y/N, Y/N held his hand and got off of the carriage next, her brother following from behind.

As they were approaching the house, a beautiful redhead opened the doors and ran towards her father with a smile and gave him a big hug, hugging her brother next then pausing in front of Y/N, not hugging her yet in case she didn't feel comfortable with her.

"Hello," She happily said. Y/N replied quickly, "Hello."

Her father cleared his throat, "Y/N, this is Lily. The one I mentioned in the carriage?" Y/N nodded and looked at Lily. "It's nice to meet you, Lily." 

Lily smiled even wider, "it's also nice to meet you, dear. Jamsie here has been talking about you." 

Y/N nervously chuckled, "Good words, I hope?" 

Lily nodded. "Of course! Your brother, Harry here would always become excited whenever his father would talk about you." She gently said.

Y/N looked at "Harry" and smiled at him, Harry returned the smile.

Then she looked at her dad and gave him a look that said, "Please explain everything to me, I'm confused.".

Her dad chuckled, "Alright, of course, let's go in. Shall we?"

All of them nodded and walked towards the house.

"Here, take a seat." Lily said and guided Y/N to her seat.

Y/N gave her a smile, a real smile. "Thank you."

Lily gave her a short "You're welcome" before sitting down.

Maybe she isn't like those terrible stepmothers after all.

Everyone looked at Y/n after they all took their seats.

Y/N looked at them back, "What? I know I'm pretty but its rude to stare, you know?" 

James shook his head with a small chuckle, "Sorry, I was just thinking. Anyways, I think you deserve an explanation. A better explanation." 

Y/N nodded. "I believe I do."

Lily cleared her throat, "Well, years ago, your father and I met at school, along with your mother and your uncle, we were all great friends-"

"-I have an uncle? How come mother never told me?"

"We'll get to that later. Anyways, we met at school. But we weren't together, but I was with your mother." James explained as Y/N glared at him.

How could he?

"Mhm," Y/N hummed.

"But years ago, before I left-"

Y/N scoffed, but nobody noticed it.

"-You, Lily and I saw each other at a shop and we just-"

"-Fell in love?" Y/N cuts her dad's explanation off.

He nodded slowly, "Yes." He quietly said, but loud enough for her to hear.

Y/N sighed. "But how could you? I thought you loved mum so much-"

"- I do! Well, I used to. But that doesn't matter now bec-"

"-THAT DOESN'T MATTER?" Y/N exclaimed as she stood up from her seat.

"So leaving mum and I doesn't matter? How come?" She angrily asked. "And I can't believe that you only came back for me!" 

Lily tried to speak but Y/N spoke first and looked at her. "You. You were her friend! And you did this to her?!"

Lily looked down in guilt, and nodded slowly.

"I can't believe you two." Y/N said and left the house.

"Y/N, wait!" James said and ran after her.

Lily and Harry immediately looked at each other and nodded. They got up and followed after James and Y/N.

"Y/N-" James called out.

"What?" She angrily asked as she kept walking towards the woods.

"Where are you going? You might get lost!" Harry exclaimed, 

Y/N rolled her eyes at him, "I don't care. Anywhere is better than here."

James ran faster and grabbed her arm, making Y/N turn around and punch him in the face.

"Stay away from me." She breathed out before walking away, leaving the three alone.

Lily sighed and kneeled down next to James and rubbed his arm for comfort, "Give her some time to think, James. The poor girl's overwhelmed. Let's just understand her for now. Okay? I'm sure that she's already been through enough." 

James nodded, "I guess. Let's go back inside." He said and stood up and guided his family back in, hoping that his daughter will be okay at the same time as he looked at the woods.

I know it's not your fault.

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