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TW: none

Also, if you're confused this whole story takes place BEFORE September

"I'm a witch?" Y/N asked in disbelief.

"Yes, a witch," James said. Y/N looked at everyone and back at her father. "A-are they one too?" She asked.

James nodded. "Everyone is."

Y/N felt like she was about to faint.

"Continuing," He said and looked at her. "Again, you're turning 17 and that is the age where you can use magic outside of school."

Y/N still had a confused face, and James understood. "And by school, I mean Hogwarts.  Hogwarts is a school for wizards and witches. And Hogwarts has four houses."

"The houses will be like your family when you're at Hogwarts.  However, you can't change houses.  Whatever house the sorting hat has placed you in, is your permanent house." He added.

"What are their names?" Y/N asked. "Gryffindor,  Hufflepuff,  Slytherin, and Ravenclaw. " James replied. "All of us are in Gryffindor.'

Y/N nodded, "Do I have to attend Hogwarts?" She asked.

James shook his head. "No, I don't think so. Because if you are then you'll only have 1 year there."

"I don't mind, I'd rather experience something for a year than not." /N protested.

James smiled at her. "Very well then, you all will be returning to Hogwarts on September 1."

Everyone smiled.

Harry leaned and whispered into Y/N's ear, "Oh and if you see a blonde boy wearing Slytherin robes, stay away from him. He's a parasite." Y/N chuckled.

"A parasite? So he's that bad?" Harry nodded at her. "Yeah. But wait until you meet professor Snape. He's worse."

James chuckled at his children, "Ah, Snivellus. I've heard how bitter he still is. Hope you survive." 

Y/N shrugged, "I hope so too."

"What subject does he teach?" She asked, "Potions." All of them replied as Y/N nodded at them.

"Speaking of Potions, we have some homework to do," Hermione said, earning a groan from all of the kids.

"And don't forget about Charms and Muggle Studies..." Ginny frowned as she spoke.

Y/N smiled, "What do you need to learn in Mugglen Studies? Maybe I can help." She offered.

Everyone, especially the children smiled, "Thanks Y/N." Ginny thanked her with a big smile. "No worries. Dad, we'll all be in my room, studying." Y/N replied and stood up, the rest following her to her room. 

"So," Y/N said as she opened her door, "Topic?"

"Flower meanings." They all said at the same time.

Y/N clapped her hands together, "Brilliant! I'm an expert with flowers. My friend Tewkesbury and I-"

Y/N paused.

"Tewkesbury," She whispered and sat down on her bed.

Everyone looked at her with a look of concern on their faces.

"Tewkesbury? Who's that?" Fred asked.

Y/N shook her head and got up, "Nothing. Nobody. Let's get back to your homework, alright? Okay so, I see that you have to identify what kind of flower-"

"Y/N." Harry stopped her, "Tell us, please. We don't want to continue if something is bothering you."

Y/N looked at them, "Why's it so important to you?" She asked.

"Because we care about you," George said, "You're our friend, it'd be rude of us to not comfort you when something's bothering you," Ginny added.

Y/N sighed in defeat, "Fine."

"So," She began, "Tewkesbury, where do I begin?" She asked and looked around until her eyes landed on her trunk.

She walked towards it, opened her trunk, pulled out a sketch of the both of them days before they escaped and showed it to everybody.

"You see this boy?" She asked and pointed at Tewkesbury, "This is Tewkesbury. We've been friends for as long as I can remember. But recent;y, we were separated." She explained and looked at Harry when she spoke the last sentence.

"I just miss him, so much."

Everyone looked at her in sympathy.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you," Hermione said. But Y/N shook her head, "It's fine, it's fine. Now, let's continue with your work, shall we?" She said and forced a smile.

Everyone wasn't convinced by her smile, but shrugged it off as they didn't want to force her.

"Anyways,?" She said and looked at Hermione's book. "This seems easy, we just have to write the meaning of each flower." Y/N smiled.

Y/N inspected the picture of a White Orchid and tried to remember its meaning.

"The White Orchids symbolize "I Miss You", she pointed out and everyone looked at her, but her attention was still on Hermione's book.

And as if on cue, someone knocked on her door,

"Come in!" Y/N exclaimed, her eyes still glued to the book.

"Y/N, darling, someone dropped these White Orchids off for you." Lily said and handed the flowers to Ginny, who gave it to Y/N, who's eyes weren't glued to the book anymore.

"But- who would send me these?" She asked and smelled the flowers.

"No idea," Lily said, "But I saw a small piece of paper somewhere in there."

Y/N nodded, "Thanks mum," 

Everyone stopped and Y/N realised what she had just said.

"I-I mean-"

"Y/N, it's okay. I'm glad that you're starting to see me as your mum. But I don't think that I can replace your real mother." Lily smiled warmly at the teen. Y/N smiled back, "Even though. I am really starting to see you as my very own mum. And I don't think that you're less better than my real mum."

Lily smiled happily, a few happy tears in her eyes as she smiled, "Alright, I'll leave you all now. Oh and by the way, Sirius is arriving in a few." She said before closing the door behind her.

Y/N looked at the flowers again and looked for the note. A few seconds later, she found it and opened it. But before she did, she turned to her friends who were looking at her.

"Oh, right sorry. Uhm, Striped Carnations means regret that a love is not shared." She said and watched them write it down.

Y/N then u folded the note and began to read it.

"Meet me out side of your house when the clock strikes one."

Y/N recognized the handwriting, it was Tewkesbury's.

Y/N smiled even wider at the letter and had to contain a squeal.

She folded the note again and hid it in her pocket before speaking, "And for  number three, Gladiolous means remembrance, faithfulness, and sincerity."

Meanwhile, downstairs, the adults could hear the children talking and laughing together.

James smiled at Lily when she entered the room, "How is she?" James asked, Lily smiled. "She's getting along with everyone wonderfully!" She happily exclaimed.

James smiled warmly at her statement.

Slipping through my fingers all the time.

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