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I don't know much about stars or constellations,  so pls don't attack me-

A few hours later, the sun had fully set and the moon was shining brightly.

Y/N hugged herself as she walked "home".

Y/N took a deep breath in and turned the door knob and entered the house.

And after she entered, somebody turned on the lights, showing her younger brother, (by a year by the way), Harry, who's arms were crossed.

"Harry, why are you still up?" She asked him as she closed the door.

"I should be asking you the same thing. You had us worried." The 15 year old said.

Y/N scoffed, "Mhm, yeah. You guys care about me, nice joke." She said as she crossed her arms.

Harry shook his head and fixed his round glasses. "We care about you, you know?" He said and stood up and started to walk towards her. "More than you think."

Y/N looked around the room before looking back at him, "You still haven't answered my question. Why are you still up? It's past midnight."

Harry sighed. "Is it wrong for me to look out for my sister?'

Y/N hesitated. "No, not at all."

"I have something to tell you," Harry said and grabbed her arm gently and brought her outside of the house.

The two sat down  next to each other on the grass and looked up at the sky.

"You know, I didn't know it was you when I saw you at the market." Y/N said after a moment of silence.

"Oh yeah? How come?" Harry chuckled, "I thought we were close, close enough for you to recognize me."

Now it was Y/N's turn to chuckle. "I don't know. When you were younger you were extremely short, but look at you now!" She said as Harry smiled with a laugh. "And your hair was so neat." She added and played with his hair.

Harry smiled, "Mum would always comb my hair every hour."

Y/N laughed, "And she also made you wear those uncomfortable toddler suits every day."

Harry rolled his eyes, "That was why I loved wearing my lion pajamas."

Y/N laughed at him and leaned onto his shoulder as they stared up at the sky.

"You know, every time I look up in the sky, I think about you." Harry began with a sigh, "You would never stop talking about the stars, the moon and the solar system. You even told me that if you ever stepped foot on the moon,  you'd bring me there and we'd live there and live happily." He finished.

"Do you also remember the time when we invented those really silly nicknames?" Harry asked, Y/N nodded happily, "Mhm, Harold and Pollux."

The two laughed, but Y/N stopped when she recognized something.

"Harry! Look! It's Sirius!" She gasped and pointed at the constellation.

Confused, Harry followed her finger and realized she was referring to the sky.

Y/N noticed his silence and asked, "Harry? What's wrong?"

Harry thought for a moment before speaking, "Nothing. But hey...Uh, do you want to meet some of my friends and our other family members sometime?" He asked as he scratched the back of his neck nervously.

Y/N's eyes lit up, "Really?" Harry smiled. "Yes, really."

Y/N smiled at him, "Of course, I'd love to!"

Harry smiled at her and spoke again, "Oh yeah and by the way, dad said he would like to talk to you about something."

"Oh yeah?" Y/N asked. Harry hummed. "What's it about?" She asked again.

Harry looked away, "I'm afraid that I'm not the right person to tell you."

Y/N nodded.

A few minutes later,  the two continued to laugh and talk about their childhood, until Y/N mentioned her friend.

"Harry?" She asked, Harry hummed in response. "Do you remember Tewkesbury?" She asked. 

Harry nodded, "How could I not? You two were so close that it took our parents hours to find you and figure out that you were in that treehouse you both created." 

Y/N gave him a faint smile, "Yeah, the treehouse...Haven't seen it in ages." She said with a loud sigh.

Harry looked at her, "I understand. But why did you guys leave? Don't you two like it there?" He asked. Y/N nodded, "Well, I liked it there. But Tewkesbury didn't." Harry's eyebrows furrowed. "Why not?"

Y/N looked down, "He said he unhappy there. He said he wanted to be free," She answered his question. But Harry was still confused.

"Unhappy?" Harry asked with an angry tone, "He has you there with him! Don't tell me he doesn't appreci-"

"No, no, Harry. I understood what he felt. He just wanted to be free, far away from there and be who he wants to be." Y/N tried to explain, but Harry scoffed and looked away.

"So you left with him?" He asked, Y/N nodded. "That's so selfish of him!" he exclaimed. Y/N held a confused look, "Selfish? How is that selfish?" She said in disbelief.

"You left a place where you were already happy just for him!" He said. Y/N glared at him, "I'm sur he thought about my feelings-"

"-Oh did he?" Harry cuts her off, making her silent and think.

"No," Harry said in realization as he stood up "No, no no."

Y/N looked at him with a confused expression.

"No, don't tell me that you like him." He said with a serious tone. 

Y/N looked down and fiddled with her fingers.

Harry sighed, "You do, huh?" Y/N looked up and nodded before hugging herself and hiding her face between her arms.

Harry frowned and sat down next to her again and rubbed her back. "It's okay, It's okay..." He said and kissed her head gently.

"You did all of this because because you love him, right?" He asked in a soft tone. Y/N looked at Harry and nodded again.

Harry smiled and hugged her, "Whatever you're going through, I will always be there. Okay?"

Y/N smiled and hugged him back, "Thanks, Harold."

"You're welcome, Pollux."

I'll never forget you.

One Sided Love - Tewkesbury X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now