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The next day, the two decided to work and sell flowers at the Covent Garden Market.

"Well you look very dashing today." Y/N said as Tewkesbury closed the door of their house.

"Well so do you. You have an excellent sense of style." He said and handed his hand out, "Shall we?" He asked in a fancy manner.

Y/N chuckled and held his hand. "We shall." She spoke back with the same accent before they laughed together and left.

"4 Dahlia Flowers, please." A young man with round glasses asked Y/N as he took out  6 pounds.  Y/N turned around and smiled at him, "4 Dahlia Flowers, here you go sir." She said and gave him the flowers.

Y/N thought that he looked like her father, but thought that it was just a coincidence. 

"Thank you." He smiled, "You're welcome." She said before turning around to face Tewkesbury, who was talking to Enola.

Wait what?

Enola's here?

"Enola!" Y/N said happily with a smile and approached them.

"How did you find us?" She asked her, Enola smiled. "Your plans back there." She explained as she looked at the flower Tewkesbury gave her.

Y/N felt her heart sink slowly, but nodded and smiled anyway. "Clever."

"Doesn't explain how and why are you here though. You have to fill in the blanks, Enola." Tewkesbury said. 

"Well, I've come here because- I've grown to like the both of you more and because your lives are still in danger." She explained after a moment of silence.

"What's made you like me more?" He asked, Enola gave him a look that says, "You've got to be kidding me". 

"Really? That's your question? Not who's trying to kill us?" She asked with a glare as Y/N laughed at them.

Tewkesbury handed her her flowers before they walked together, fully forgetting that Y/N was there.

"I've found your flower pressings," Enola said. "They were quite beautiful," She added as they walked.

Tewkesbury smiled at her and looked at Y/N, "She's amazing, isn't she?"

Y/N faked a smiled and nodded.

After their short conversation, Y/N stopped paying attention to Enola and Tewkesbury's conversation anymore and just got lost in her own world.

But she was snapped out of it when she recognized the same young man with the same round glasses talking to a man who looked exactly like her father. 

However, the two look a likes were talking to a man and a woman.

Miss Harrison.

Y/N's mother told her stories about Miss Harrison, as she thought that her daughter will attend her school and love it there. But she instead, left with Tewkesbury.

One of them, the boy, was staring at them as they walked and talked.

Y/N didn't know why she felt like they were after them, so she walked next to her friends and spoke. "We have to go. Now. Somewhere far from here." 

The two looked confused, "Why?" They asked.

"Let's just go. I have a very bad feeling." She said and pushed her friends through the crowd, also trying to make the adults lose sight of them.

After a few minutes of walking, the three arrived at their rented house.

"Quickly, now. We have to hide." Y/N said and pushed them inside of their house. "Hide from who?" Tewkesbury asked. 

One Sided Love - Tewkesbury X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now