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TW: Death and attempt in murder

Last chapter guys, tysm for reading this book and being patient with me <3 I love u all so much!

I couldn't find the right song for this final chapter so here's a list of them (please play in order)

1. Sweater Weather - Joel Sunny 
2. Black Out Days - Phantogram 
3. Strange - Celeste
4. Young - Vacations
5. I Love You So - The Walters

I have a playlist for this book, here's the link https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3GojPkfNnbcXeo1ZD2RiYI?si=421ce0ab3ab94a94

And please do take your time in reading :)

And I'm sorry if there are any typos or mistakes in here, please tell me so I can change it, ty!


As soon as dinner ended, Y/N looked up at the clock.


She sighed in relief, she still had time.

Y/N got up from her seat and went to the garden and grabbed a sword.

"What are you doing?" A voice asked. Y/N turned around and saw her father standing there.

"Sharpening swords," She plainly said and started sharpening the sword. "For what?" He asked. 


"Well, if you're gonna train, you'll be needing a training partner." He said and grabbed a sword and copied her.

Y/N smiled, "Thanks, dad." 

He nodded with a smile, "Anything for you."

"Oh, and by the way," He said and brought a long box. "I want you to have this, a friend of mine named Olivander wanted me to give this to you." He said and handed her the box. "You'll be 17 when the clock strikes 12,  meaning you'll be allowed to use magic anywhere you want."

Y.N opened the box and found a  beautiful wand inside.

She smiled at the wand and looked at her dad, "Thank you so much." 

He smiled, "You're welcome. Harry and the others told me that you've been reading books, books about magic."

Y/N chuckled, "I have, they're very interesting I must say." James laughed at her and patted her back, "I have a great feeling that you and Hermione will be the top students at Hogwarts."

"Now, let's go train."

Minutes went by, and the two finished training with both swords and daggers.

Y/N thanked her dad once again before going to her room to change into a better outfit.

After that, she looked at the time,


She nodded to herself, grabbed her dagger just in case something bad happens, (but didn't grab a sword as she knew that the Basilwether Hall has swords there), and went towards the front door of their house.

"Where are you going?" Molly asked as she saw Y/N open the front door.

Y/N sighed and let go of the doorknob before facing her. "Just gonna go out on a walk." She said.

Molly nodded, "With a dagger?" She asked.

"A lady must always protect herself, especially at a time like this," Y/N replied.

Molly smiled, "I'm glad that you know. Be safe, dearie!" Molly sweetly exclaimed as Y/N waved at her as she left the house.

Sighing, she looked at the sky and whispered as she thought about her old friends, "I hope they're safe."

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