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TW: Angst

For this chapter, I added pictures to make the theme magical and sad

I hope you'll enjoy this and i apologize for taking so long to update

Get your tissues ready (if u cry easily)

A couple of hours later, Y/N looked at the clock and realized that it's nearly one.

Y/N smiled and got up from her spot.

"Where are you going?" Fred, who was awake, asked.

Y/N paused. "Nowhere."

Fred chuckled and walked towards her, "I don't think nowhere is behind that door."

Y/N sighed. "Okay fine. I'm meeting Tewkesbury. "

Fred's eyes widened and were about to speak but Y/N spoke first.

"And you mustn't tell anyone. This is like my only chance of seeing him after days, please." She begged.

Fred nodded, "I understand.  I'll cover for you, okay?" Y/N smiled and hugged him. "Thank you so much, Fred."

Fred smiled and hugged back, "No worries. Now go." He said and broke the hug.

Y/N nodded and ran outside.

And there he was, handsome and all, standing happily.

His eyes lit up in joy when he saw
Y/N running towards him.

The two laughed happily as Y/N hugged him.

Tewkesbury hugged back and kissed her head, "Oh Dandelion, I've missed you."

Y/N chuckled. "I've missed you too, Flower Boy."

They broke the hug.

"So how are you?" She asked him. He laughed. "I should be asking you that. How are you?"

Y/N smiled, "I don't know what to say, but everything here is way different than I thought it would be."

Tewkesbury smiled.

"Well, I'm glad that this place isn't terrible. I was really worried."

Y/N nodded with a small laugh. "Thanks. So, how are you and Enola? Is she okay?"

He nodded, "Yeah, we're both okay. We talked last night about something serious and uh-"

Y/N tilted her head in confusion, "We what? What is it?" She asked.

"We both found out that we share the same feelings for each other."

Y/N felt the whole world stop, but she forced a smile.

"That's brilliant,  Tewkes! I'm so happy for the both of you." She smiled and hugged him.

"Thank you!" He said with a laugh and hugged back before breaking the hug and looking at her.

"I've missed you so much, you know?"

"Tell me something that I don't know, Flower Boy."

Tewkesbury chuckled at her statement before hugging her again, but when he looked up, he saw a redhead looking at them from a window. 

"Someone's watching us," Tewkesbury whispered, still in a hug with Y/N.

"Describe them, please." Y/N asked.

Tewkesbury looked up and spoke, "A group of redheads, a brunette, and 2 raven-haired boys."

Y/N chuckled and broke their hug and smiled at him, "Don't mind them, they're my friends. One of the redheads is my mum and the two raven-haired boys are my brother and father.":

One Sided Love - Tewkesbury X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now