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TW: none so far

Also, please don't mind my typo errors. I'm writing this on my laptop and I'm not used to it very much as I always write on my phone. But feel free to put the correct spelling in the comments :)

Tewkesbury looked at the girls, but his eyes widened when he saw the big purple bruise on Y/N's face.

Tewkesbury rushed to her side and held her face on his palms, "Are you alright, Dandelion?" He asked like a worried mother.

Y/N smiled with a nod. "Yes, yes I am." Tewkesbury sighed in relief. "Well I'm glad you're alright."

Enola held a confused expression. "Flower boy? Dandelion?" She asked.

The two looked at her and chuckled.

"Nicknames," They said at the same time.

"Anyways, we have to get going." Y/N said as they all stood up.

"I hope that you do know that you've entirely ruined face 3 of my plan?" Enola asked as they walked.

"Phase what? Who even are you?" Tewkesbury asked in disbelief.

"Look, I believe our recent brush with death deserves us at least a name." Y/N said.

"Enola Holmes." Enola said casually.

The two's eyes' widened.

"Holmes? Like- Sherlock Holmes?" Y/N questioned.

Enola nodded, "And I am undercover, so forget I told the both of you that piece of information."

"Undercover working for him?" Tewkesbury asked again.

"Undercover from him." She corrected him.

"Hence why you're dressed as a boy-"

"-Hence why you are to say nothing!" Enola cuts him off and stops the two from walking whrn she stopped.

"So?" Enola asked after a moment of silence.

"What?" Tewkesbury asked.

Enola looked around in disbelief and pointed to where the train was.

"Thank you? You two are supposed to say thank you." She strictly said.

"For what?" Tewkesbury asked again.

Y/N hits him on the arm and looked at Enola, "Thank you, for saving us, Enola. We owe you one, don't we, Tewkesbury?" She looked at the boy with a deadly glare.

Tewkesbury chuckled in embarrassment. "yes, uh- thank you."

Enola nodded and smiled at Y/N.

"You're welcome."

"Let's get going now." She added and dragged the two away.

As they were walking in pure silence for a while, Enola sighed and spoke.

"We should think about sleeping soon."

"We should think about eating soon," Y/N said as she look at the beautiful sunset.

"But we have nothing to eat." Enola added.

Tewkesbury smiled at Enola, "Of course we do!" He exclaimed happily and held Enola's hand.

"Arctium lappa, which you'll know as burdock." He said and showed it to Enola. "Very tasty." He said as he lets go of her hand and walked to look around the field even more.

"Um, and then there's Trifolium. A clover." He added and look around even more.

"And is that.."

"Yes, I knew it!" He exclaimed in joy as Enola looked at him with a smile.

"Mushrooms!" He exclaimed in happiness and picked one up.

"Agaricus lanipes."

He stood back up and handed it to Enola, "The princess."

"It's delicious." Y/N stated from behind.

Tewkesbury looks at her and smiles, "Are those-"

"Yes Flower Boy, they're Gardenias." She said and gave one to Tewkesbury and Enola.

"It means "You're lovely", and you two are lovely so I had to get some." Y/N softly said with a big and caring smile.

"Thank you." Enola thanked her happily and held the flower and mushroom in one hand.

"If I can get a fire started, I can make us a feast." Tewkesbury said.

"Fine," Enola said and gave him the mushroom and smiled after as she walked away.

"I'm not entirely an idiot, you know." He said, making her stop and turn around.

One Sided Love - Tewkesbury X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now