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A few minutes later, all three of them sat behind something like a carriage that was on it's way to London.

"Well, you would day that." Enola and Tewkesbury chuckled together.

Y/N stayed silent during the ride, her eyes glued to the sky and maybe the grass and trees too.

A few hours later (2-3 hours) they've finally arrived in London.

"So this is where we part?" Tewkesbury asked sadly as his new friend got up from her seat.

"It is." Enola said after she got off the carriage like.

Tewkesbury looks down in sadness but looked up again, "Then thank you, Enola Holmes, for helping us here." He said.

Enola smiled, "You were supposed to have forgotten that name." She said.

Tewkesbury smiled.

"Thank you, Enola." Y/N said and waved at her before their ride took them away from her.

Enola nodded and waved back at them, her smile still on her face as she watched her friends leave.

Enola took a deep breath in and out before walking around.

The two looked at each other.

"Now, we have to make you unrecognizable since we weren't able to last night." Tewkesbury said, Y/N chuckled. "I know a place. Mother and I would go there every weekend to look for some new dresses for me to wear." She said. "Now, let's get off from this ride and look for it. I's a few blocks away. Surely walking for a few minutes won't harm your royal feet?" Y/N joked.

Tewkesbury sarcastically laughed, "Haha very funny."

Y/N smiled at him and held his hand.

"This is our stop." She said and dragged him from the carriage and to a shop filled with fancy clothing.

"But we don't have money to pay for them!" Tewkesbury worriedly said. Y/N shook her head.

"Did you really think I'd leave without some money? I'm also not an idiot, you know." She said and dragged him inside the store.

"But won't people known its us?" He asked, Y/N shook her head. "No, I trust Madame Tiolayne. And she knows our plan, she's the one who actually suggested that we should leave. She knows how much you want to be free." She added and entered the store.

"Y/N! Long time no see, and this young man might be Viscount Tewkesbury Marquess of Basilwether?-"

"Yes." Y/N said and smiled at her.

"Well what brings you two here?" She asked, "You know I can't let you two hide here. They'll come here and question me, knowing that were close, of course."

"No, no. We're here to get some new clothes." She said while looking around the shop.

"Well go on then! I'll be waiting at the counter." The old woman said and left.

She nodded at her and looked around for her friend, who she soon found was looking around the men's section.

She reminded herself to always check up on him before going to the women's section. After all, he is the main target.

A few minutes later, Tewkesbury approached Y/N. 

"Hey, I'm done. What about you?" He asked her.

Y/N grabbed a f/c dress and looked at it for a moment before replying him. "Done. Let's go pay and dress up." She said as she dragged him with her to the counter.

"Here you go, Madame."  Y/N said and gave her her money.

"Thank you, dear." The old woman said and counted the money before giving Y/N her change. "Oh and by the way, where are the changing rooms?" Y/N questioned.

"Over there," Madame Tiolayne pointed towards the changing rooms.

"Thank you, ma'am." Tewkesbury thanked her before he and his friend walked towards the changing rooms.

A couple of minutes later, the two left the changing rooms with their new clothes on, their old ones in a bag.

"Thank you, Madame Tiolayne, have a wonderful evening!" Y/N and Tewkesbury waved goodbye.

"Be safe, children!" She waved back with a smile. 

"Now, where do we go?" Tewkesbury asked as they walked through the busy streets of London.

"Don't know. We're blessed to still have money so we can stay at a house for rent." She said.

Tewkesbury nodded. "You're a great thinker, Dandelion. Do you know that?" He randomly said. Y/N looked at him with a confused expression. "And why's that?" She asked.

"Well, first, you brought money with you, second, you brought me into a store to buy some new clothes and third, you are currently looking for a place to stay in. If this happened to other people, especially girls, they'd be lost like a puppy." He said. 

Y/N blushed with a smile at his compliment. "Thank you."

Later on, Tewkesbury was about to say something but was cut off by Y/N.

"Flower Boy, look! There's a house for rent near the Covent Garden Market!" She pointed at the house that had a huge poster saying, "HOUSE FOR RENT."'

Tewkesbury smiled at her happiness. "Brilliant! Now let's go look for the landlord or lady." He said before she held his hand and once again  dragged him with her.

A few hours later,  the two  lied down on their separate beds and sighed loudly.

"What a day." Tewksbury said.

Y/N chuckled,  "Tell me about it." She looked at him with a smile, in which he returned with a wider smile.

After a moment, Y/N spoke. "I'm gonna go to the balcony to admire the stars." She said and got up from the bed and opened the balcony doors.

As soon as she opened then, the cold London breeze touched her face, sending shivers down her spine.

Y/N looked around the busy streets before looking up at the sky.

She sighed. "I know why you still chase the Earth." She said after her eyes stared at the shining moon.

"You stay at a distance. Never daring to move closer, but never quite moving on. We're the same."

"I suppose that he is the Earth, and I am his moon. But if he is this planet,  drifting out in space, then he would look at her, like she is the sun."

(I got these lines from a Tiktok, so credits to that. But the one in Italics was mine.)

Am I a fool who sits alone talking to the moon?

One Sided Love - Tewkesbury X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now