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TW: None

please play the vid when I say "Go"

The next day, Y/N woke up with a smile, excited to face whatever God (Or day, if you do not believe that God is real) has planned for her.

Y/N walked down the stairs and found her brother, Harry, sitting down eating breakfast with their mother, Lily.

"Good morning, dear." Lily smiled, Y/N smiled back. "Morning."

"Morning to you too, Harold." She gave Harry a smug smile, Harry rolled his eyes at her. "Hello, Pollux."

"Where's father?" She asked as she sat down and fixed her F/C dress.

"Over here," Her father said as he kissed Lily's forehead and sat down.

"Morning, dad." Y/N greeted. "Morning," He said and began to eat his breakfast.

"Y/N?" Lily asked, Y/N hummed in response as she drank her beverage.

"Well, later, we'll be having some guests over and we were wondering if you'd like to have lunch with us outside?" Lily asked. Y/N smiled, "I'd love to!"

Her family smiled, "Brilliant!" James said.

A few hours later, someone knocked on their door loudly.

Lily's eyes lit up in joy and rushed to the door.

A few seconds later, Lily exclaimed happily, "Molly!"

"It's so great to see you again, Lily dear." Said another woman's voice.

"Come in, come in. Y/N's here." Lily said. "She's here?" Said the same voice, "Oh I can't wait to meet her." She added.

Soon, a bunch of redheads came in the dining room.

"Oh wow," Y/N breathed as Harry laughed at her reaction. "I never thought that I'd meet a bunch of redheads at once..."

"Y/N, this is Molly and Arthur Weasley, on old friend of ours." Her father said.

Y/N stood up from her seat and straightened her dress and looked at them with a smile, "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Weasley,"

Molly smiled, "Hello dear."

Arthur smiled at her too, "Good afternoon," He said before looking around the house. "Oh Molly, look! A Muggle clock!"

Y/N, Harry and the younger redheads chuckled.

"And Y/N," Lily said and grabbed Y/N's wrist gently and guided her towards the other redheads, "They are Molly and Arthur's children. Bill, Charlie, Perc- Fred, George, Ron and Ginny. Percy is uh...Busy." Lily sadly said when she talked about Percy Weasley.

"Hello." Y/N waved at the younger redheads.

"Hello," The twins said at the same time as the others waved or greeted too.

"Alright, so you children can go do whatever you want while we prepare lunch." Molly said as her kids nodded. "And Hermione will arrive in a few minutes."

"Who's Hermione?" Y/N asked Harry.

Harry smiled, "Our friend. I'm positive that you two will get along well."

Y/N fidgeted with her fingers and sighed, "I hope so."

Then, the twins showed up behind Harry, Ron and Y/N and spoke at the same time. "Hello again."

Y/N jumped in surprise, "Oh my- oh its you two again." She laughed.

"You'll get used to them showing up everywhere randomly." Ron whispered into her ear as she chuckled.

"How does it feel like having siblings?" She asked.

Ron sighed, "Daily headaches."

Ginny then slapped the back of his head, "I heard that, dimbo."

Harry laughed and listened to Ron and the twins' conversation.

Ginny walked towards Y/N and held her hand out, "Hello, Y/N," Y/N shook her hand "Hello, Ginny." She replied.

"It's good to see that I'm not the only girl here anymore," Ginny said with a sigh. Y/N chuckled, "What about Hermione?" She asked.

"There's no problem with Hermione, actually. To be honest, Hermione and I are getting bored with being the only young girls in here." She replied as Y/N nodded.

"Well, I hope it won't be boring anymore since I'm here now." She smiled at Ginny, who smiled back at her.

And as if on cue, there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it," Y/N said as she and Ginny left the dining room and opened the door.

"Mione!" Ron happily said and hugged her, "Hello to you too, Ronnikins." She said and hugged him back and kissed his head.

(Yes they're dating here bc why not)

The two broke their hug and Hermione looked at Y/N with a big smile, "And you must be Y/N. Harry talks about you all the time!" She happily said.

Y/N smiled back, "And I've heard a few things about you too."

Y/N then closed the door and led Hermione to the dining room, where they were just at and sat down on one of the chairs and started a conversation with Ginny and Hermione.

A few minutes later, a yell was heard. "Lunch is ready!" Said Molly's voice from the garden.

The group then stood up, and walked towards the garden, still talking to each other.

They all sat down and began to eat.

"Y/N, dear?" Molly asked, Y/N looked at her, "Yes, Mrs. Weasley?"

"Well, uhm. We were wondering what did your mother do after James uh-"

"-Left her? It's okay to say it, Mrs. Weasley." Y/N finished Molly's question.

Mrs. Weasley nodded.

"Well, she changed my last name to her original last name, Yellowfield. And then she bought a house and that's where we've been living ever since." She replied.

"Did she continue to teach you?" Her father asked, "Well, yes. But she somehow stopped teaching me how to fight with swords."

James smiled, "Brilliant! I mean, would you like it if I start teaching you again?"

Y/N smiled, "Of course, you didn't have to ask."

James smiled, "Your birthday is coming up soon, D/B (day of birth)am I right?" He asked, Y/N nodded and smiled wider, "You still remember my birthday..." She said in awe.

James chuckled, "Of course I do. I'd be a terrible father if I didn't."

Everyone awed at their conversation.

"Anyways, since you're turning 17-"

"-James, I think you forgot to tell her." Molly interrupted.


Y/N held a confused expression, "Forgot to tell me what? Please don't tell me that you cheated on Lily, she's already family to me and you can't ruin that."

James shook his head with a laugh, "No, no. I'd never cheat on Lily." Y/N nodded, "good, because if you do, you'll find me holding a knife in the middle of the night."

James laughed again, "Alright, alright." He said before looking at Mrs. Weasley. "Do I tell her or you?"

Molly shook her head, "You yourself, James. I'm not her parent."

He sighed in defeat and looked at Y/N.

"Believe me or not, but you're a witch, Y/N."

"I'm a wOt?"

"Reminds me of the night Hagrid told me that I was a wizard. Good old days."

I'm a wOt?

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