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TW: Hot guy

It took Y/N  quite a long while to get herself together again. But when she did, she took a deep breath in and walked back to her house.

By the time she arrived at the door, the sun was already starting to rise.

She sighed, realizing that she wasn't able to sleep because of a boy.

She opened the door quietly, not wanting to wake anyone up.

But to her dismay, everyone was up.

Y/N froze in her spot, her eyes wide. 

"Why are you all here?" She asked, everyone smiled. "To ask how your date with the boy went, of course," James said with a smug look.

Y/N frowned and look down, "It wasn't a date."

Everyone frowned at her, knowing that something's wrong.

"Then what is it, dear?" Molly asked.

Y/N shook her head and rubbed her eyes before walking towards the stairs, "Nothing, nothing."

Everyone looked at each other, their faces filled with confusion.

"Harry," Lily began, Harry looked at her. "Yes, mum?" He asked. 

"Please check on Y/N," She said with a soft smile as Harry nodded and ran up the stairs to his sister's room.

"I hope she'll be okay soon." Hermione sadly said as she stood up, the younger redheads following.

"Now, now. Let's give the two some time to talk. Let's all stay in the living room for a while." Molly said and led everyone to the living room.

Everyone but one person.

"Tom, come on." Said Lily.

"Tom" nodded and followed her.

Meanwhile, Harry knocked on Y/N's door, his heartbreaking when he heard her soft sobs coming from her room.

Harry knocked again, "Y/N?"

"Harry?" Her voice cracked, Harry sighed. "Yeah, it's me. May I come in?"

It took a moment for Y/N to reply, "Yeah. Sure."

Harry smiled as he entered her room successfully.

"Hey," He said and sat down next to her on her bed. Y/N wiped her tears away with a handkerchief. 


She then hugged harry, surprising him, but he hugged her back as she sobbed.

"Shh, shh...I'm here, I'm here." He cooed and rubbed her back while she continued to cry.

"What happened?" He asked her. 

Y/N broke the hug and wiped her tears away again before speaking. "Last n-night, I went to meet up with Tewkesbury and w-we kissed." She stuttered.

Harry looked at her with a confusing look, "But- isn't that great? You two kissed, right? Then why are you crying over?

Y/N let out a painful chuckle, "Oh Harry," She began.

"I forgot to tell you, he told me that he was dating someone."

Harry's eyes widened, "Who?" He asked.

"Enola, our friend."

Harry hugged her again and kissed her head, "Y/N I'm so sorry that happened to you."

Y/N buried her face in his neck, "Don't be sorry. After all, it was foolish of me to have feelings for him when he already has someone. I'm so dumb."

One Sided Love - Tewkesbury X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now