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You might wanna read a but fast to get the timing right 

Here's the video that inspired me to write this story and most especially, this part.


Later that night, Enola sat down while Y/N  lied down on the grass with Tewkesbury's head on her stomach as the fire gave them light and warmth.

Enola ate the mushroom they had found earlier, "Hmm, not that bad."

"And I've been thinking, you two should disguise yourself a little." She said. 

Y/N shrugged. "How?" 

"Tewkesbury, how do you feel about your hair?" Enola questioned.

Tewkesbury replied. "I've never cared for it."

Y/N dramatically fake gasped, "Excuse me your hair is beautiful!" She exclaimed and began to play with his long hair. "Please do give me some time to play with his hair before it goes away." Y/N said as her friends chuckled.

"Alright," Enola said, "Y/N, I'm not sure with you but- do you know how to make yourself unrecognizable? I mean I have no ideas yet." Enola asked as Y/N nodded.

"Well, I do have a few ideas," She replied and tied his hair into a man bun.

Tewkesbury laughed at his hair style and looked at Y/N, "Wanna say bye bye to my hair now?" 

Y/N faked a sob, "Yes. Good bye Tewkesbury Junior. You will be forever missed." She patted his head before he sat up and before he sat next to Enola.

Enola and Tewkesbury shared a look before she grabbed a small knife and began to sharpen it.

"Cut it off with a knife. Of course you will." Tewkesbury said. 

"Who taught you how to sharpen it like that?" He asked Enola.

"My mother."  Enola replied and looked at the knife then at Tewkesbury for a moment before she smiled.

Tewkesbury chuckled, "Your mother is very different from ours." He said.

Both of them chuckled softly.

"Who taught you about flowers and herbs?" Enola questioned.

"My father," Tewkesbury said.

"Both of my parents, but my mother did most of the teaching when my father left for another woman." Y/N explained sadly. "I had a great bond with my father." 

Tewkesbury scooted next to her, making her in between him and Enola and gave her a hug.  Y/N blushed. 

Enola gave her a sad smile. "I'm sorry for that." She said.

"it's alright," Y/N replied.

"I never really knew my father." Enola said softly. 

"My father's dead too." Tewkesbury replied to Enola.

"Well, were all in this together, aren't we?" She softly spoke.

Enola and Tewkesbury looked into each other's eyes deeply, Y/N looked at them repeatedly and realized something.

She noticed something in both of their eyes and her heart broke.

Are you falling in love?

I've a feeling you are.

It was love.

One Sided Love - Tewkesbury X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now