Part 1 - Amber

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Chapter 1: The Testing

My heart raced in my chest. Sweat traced my hairline making my hair damp. My vision was tainted and my eyes felt as if they were trying to escape my skull. My arms buckled as I tried weakly to push my self off of the cold hard chair beneath me. The sounds around me were barley audible, muffled voices from the nurses and doctors that rushed around me were extremely overwhelming, but one voice stood out. "Relax," a female doctor said as she pushed my head back, willing me to close my eyes. The last thing I saw before I drifted to sleep was a foot long needle pointed at my forehead, and fear rushed through me like rabid river.
Pain. That's all I felt as I struggled back into consciousness. "Hey, kid, wake up!," someone from across the room shouted. My head felt as if I just rolled down a steep hill, lifting up into a sitting position I felt the pain fade away, but right when the pain subsided my stomach twisted. I leaned over the chair and puked. I heard an annoyed grunt and a comment about having to buy a new shirt, before someone shook me into full consciousness. "Hey, you ok?" a tall male nurse asked as I wiped the disgusting vomit off my lips. "Fine," I said as I pulled my legs over the chair letting them dangle at the side barely skimming the hard tile beneath me. "I'm sorry Ms. Hetria, but I need to check your eye color so I can place you, where you belong" the tall doctor said to me as I sat facing away from him. "Oh yah, sorry," I said as I slowly switched my position so he could examine my eye color. Hopefully my eyes would be gold, then I can hang out with my big sister and my older friends in Polia the town for people with no powerful abilities, surrounded by nice warm baths and all the food I could imagine, chocolate sundaes here I come. Polia is paradise. Sadly any other eye color besides gold will land me in Luna, a town on the outskirts of Polia were all the supernatural people lived and crime rates were over the charts, sadly the odds weren't exactly in my favor.
"Amber," the doctor said as he looked into my eyes shaking with fear. "Amber," he said again loudly as if trying to scream for help, but hoping I wouldn't notice his discomfort. I did notice and reality crashed down on me with such force I flinched. My body trembled with the realization that I'd never see Luce, my big sister or Allie my best friend that was older than me by two months, that I would never reach paradise. Never live in Polia.
Two hours later after the doctors and nurses finally finished their horribly long panic attacks, I was shipped off to Luna, the one place I was hoping to avoid. I wasn't alone on the ride to Luna though, at least a dozen of kids were in the same truck, as we drove across the country on the longest, bumpiest car ride ever. The kids in the car all wore the same long, soulless expressions. A few were already learning to master their special abilities, forming small groups of people with their same eye color so they could learn together. After about 10 minutes everyone seemed to find their own group, everyone except me. I sat in the corner staring at the wall separating us from the road, I didn't notice a averaged height blond girl making her way In my direction. "Hey, freak, watcha staring at?" the brat said looking at me with a evil smirk as if she was superior to me. Her face resembled a Barbie, her cheek bones high, eyelashes long and black. Her brilliant green eyes glistened with darkness. "Nothing, just thinking, maybe you should try that sometime," I replied with a smirk of my own "think your so clever, huh? Well I know something that will wipe that smirk off your face," and just like that blonde spun on me, she moved faster than I'd ever seen someone move, she pushed me off my feet making me land hard on my back on the cement beneath me.Before she could knock in another blow I jumped to my feet and kneed her in the gut, her butt hit someone behind her, but she recovered fast and attempted to punch me in the jaw. I thought fast, my mind did something it never did before, a thought zoomed through my head directed at her "get away" I said under my breath and my power and adrenaline obeyed putting all my focus into the one sentence. Energy soured through me and with my release of breath.Blonde flew back hitting the wall and crumbling to the floor. Blonde moaned in pain but didn't attempt to stand. Walking back to the corner I sat down, continuing to think. All the kids stared at me their faces white with fear. Luckily no one approached me again the entire truck ride to Luna, which was good because the adrenaline in me increased and I knew in that moment why people were afraid of me.

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