Part 12- War, bloody war

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To set the record straight. In Luna if a supernatural marries a supernatural they are immediately bonded and their power increases. So if Kylie and Sullen get married he will technically own her and have more power since she's telekinetic, because when energy and energy collide the power doesn't go away it simply increases the magic and makes the users more powerful.
Chapter 18- Lets go
Ava's P.O.V
"C,mon, almost there..." I said as all of us tried to pull the bars apart. I had to hand it to Sullen these bars were pretty stubborn. "We can do it!" I said tugging one last time. Creak the sound was blissful. The bars bent revealing an opening big enough for one person to get through. "Yes!!" I said pulling Jaden into a bear hug. "get off me, weirdo your turning into Kylie. What's next? Is your blond hair gonna start to turn light brown?" She said. "no!" I said pulling away and looking at her with annoyance.

"Can't a girl express her excitement?" I asked Jaden with a innocent look. "yes but can you 'express your excitement' over there" she pointing to a dark corner. "well fuck you to!" I said walking up to the bars and climbing through.

After we all climbed through the black rusty bars I looked back at Michelle and said, "we will come back for you," she gave me a warm heartfelt smile and nodded. Not looking back I turned and walked through the exit. I had my machete and an army (well group) of rug rats. We would beat Sullen, and he will beg for Kylie's mercy. Hopefully she still has some.

As we walked up the stairs I could feel everyone's nerves rising, and when we made it to the doorway I could tell half the group just wanted to teleport out of there but we needed the whole group/army to save Kylie. I walked up to the thin door and gave the knob a small twist. Crack as I opened it slowly I looked out. "all clear," I said motioning for everyone to follow me when there was no one outside the door. When we all stepped out from the gloomy darkness and Sky closed the door with a thud footsteps rang out down the halls. Out of the many footsteps one stood out, it was the click of heels. "and then I said 'lets go already!' and pushed through them, the shock on their faces was priceless. I can't believe they didn't figure it out then. Idiots," Sophia's voice was audible in the sea of laughter. "shit! What do we do now?" I just looked at Sky and shrugged.We were all shrugging like idiots when Sophia and her army rounded the corner. "this will be fun," she said, an evil grin displayed on her pale face.

Chapter 19- War
Sophia's P.O.V
Were all shrugging like idiots as Sophia and her army rounded the corner. "this will be fun," she said, an evil grin displayed on her pale face.
Ava, Sky, and Jaden stood before me looking fearless and confident, but the group behind them looked uneasy. I felt bad for Gwen she was my only friend, she was kind and funny. Maybe I can persuade her to help the Dashing's just like my brother did me! Idea! I turned to Gwen and fake smiled warmly, "Gwen you don't have to be on the losing side, after all I was your one and only friend in that group. Join me" I said with my hand outstretched "and together we will rule the world alongside Sullen," I looked at her with a smile. Clap Clap Clap Jaden stepped forward away from her group to face me "you sound like those people in medieval moves 'join me and we will rule'," she held out her hand dramatically mocking what I had done seconds ago and behind her the whole group laughed. "nobody mocks me!" I yell as I motioned my army to charge at them. With a bloodlust cry the room was transformed into endless chaos. Blood coated the walls. Body's lied motionless on the ground both theirs and ours. The flyers were fighting in the air dropping bodies on the people below. I loved it! Ava, Jaden, Sky, and Dylan were the only ones alive on their side. Sadly we only had six warriors left. Six out of the twenty we brought. Ava charged at my group first. Blood spurted from the wound in Jason the first warriors gut. It was a fatal blow. He was as good as dead. Sky, Ava, and Jaden moved like killing tornadoes while dylan dived in the air like a bolt of lightning. After a few seconds their was only one fighter left, me. I pulled off my stilettos and whispered a promise that I would come back to them, for they made my calves look hot. I grabbed my rapier sword and walked over to the four fighters. I had to admit they looked frightening. Jaden held up her crossbow with a nocked arrow in place pointing at my heart. Sky held her bow and arrow and pointed it at my head, her raven hair making her look like the goddess Artemis. Ava had her machete which had blood dripping from the tip an evil smirk on her face, and Dylan just looked as frightening as she always did with her blond hair streaked with blood and her silver daggers gleaming.I gulped and charged. I barely made it three feat when I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder and I fell to the cold hard wooden floor. I looked down and saw a silver knife stuck in my shoulder. Dylan's silver knife. Someone threw something at me and I caught it in the air. It was my black stiletto. Cuddling it I drifted off into an endless sleep as blood trickled down my arm and onto the floor beneath me.
Sophia's dead!! What? Crazy right.
Will Ava, Sky, jaden, and Dylan save Kylie? Will they all survive Sullen's flames. Find out in Chapter 20!!
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