Part 3 - Caught

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Chapter 6- Lake Erie
"Where in the world is 'where the water meets the city'" Ava said with an exasperated sigh. "Their talking about the outskirts of Luna, the place where Lake Erie touches Luna's outer walls," sky said replying grimly. Something bad had happened to her there and I needed to know what. Nodding I pushed that thought to the back of my head. We had bigger things to deal with. "Wait, Luna has outer walls?" Jaden asked her face a mass of confusion and grief. She hated having to leave Johnny in CVS, but after talking some sense into her we had started off on our journey to Lake Erie. "Yes, Luna has outer walls, it keeps the big animals from coming into town and trying to eat us," Sky replied with the same cold demeanor. Ignoring her, I walked up to the front of the group and took in a deep breath. Letting my surroundings sink in. My heart thumped with fear. We were drawing close to Luna's tall iron gates and I feared what waited for us on the other side.

Chapter 7- The Imprisonment

I woke up to the sound of a cup hitting metal bars. My head hurt as I tried helplessly to remember what happened. My heart stung at the feeling of loss and the only thing I heard was the blood rushing to my ears. Music played and thumping sounded across the room. Feeling the strength rush back to my body I slowly sat up. I was in a black cage men and women danced around me celebrating something. We were in a ballroom. Music roared and people danced to the beat. My head swim as the memory of my capture surface. We had walked to Lake Erie prepared for anything, but what the dashing leader, Sullen had in store was wasn't just 'anything'. Sullen had put everyone in Jaden's in a small canoe boat in the middle of Lake Erie. At first I thought it was a joke. I mean Sky could easily teleport onto the boat and then teleport back to shore, bringing everyone with her. My chest collapsed in relief, it felt as if the weight of the world had been lifted off my shoulders. Ava, and Jaden seemed to relax as well, but Sky screamed. She screamed so loud, I swear my eardrums had burst open. Then I realized she was saying something. "Noooo!! Their coming!," confused I looked back at the boat. Four shark fins circled the tiny boat. Tiny sparks of fear circled in my stomach shoving away my resolve. I reached out with my mind closing my eyes I imagined the Sharks shooting out of the water hitting the shore and dying from water loss. I waited expecting to hear the satisfying flops of four sharks dropping on the dry sand, instead I heard footsteps. "Oh, hello lady's, I'm so happy you came to watch the show," I slowly opened my eyes as a boy walked over to where we stood. The boy had red hair that swept to the side of his temple. He was buff but not too buff. Everything about him seemed to reek with intimidation. His eyes burned with an evil so raw, and so frightening he looked like he could be the devil. I feared him. So much that just his gaze made me want to cringe like a mouse under a cats paw. My heart raced with fear and I knew he could sense it. I tried to straighten and stand tall and confident, but the movement turned into a jerk. The boy smirked noticing my discomfort with amusement. "I would love to sit and watch you beg for me not to harm you, but I have things planned and I would hate to make this show a waste." The boy snapped his fingers and I heard movement in the water. I snapped my head back to the sharks watching with terror as one hit the boat in the side with a crash. I underestimated the sharks. They were enormous. One lifted is giant body to the waters surface. It opened its mouth ready to lunge and swallow the boat whole, but right before killing Jaden's friends the shark stopped its long sharp blade like teeth inches from the boat. Then Sullen turned to me. "You have two choices, the first is letting my giant shark pets tear your friends apart piece by piece. The second is for you," he pointed at me "to come with me, peacefully."
Yep, and that's how I got here.
Hope you guys enjoyed part 3! Vote if you did and comment if you have any suggestions for part 4!!
Love you guys!!😜

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