Part 8-Escape (atempt) #1

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Chapter 14- Rescue (not)
Ava's P.O.V
Wow. That was my first thought when we popped into Sullen's mansion/palace. Sky did it she got us here without a noise. We are prepared and we will get Kylie back. Sky, Jaden and I with our small army of rug rats.
The palace was huge and extravagant. The walls were lined with gold and painted dark blue. Diamonds were scattered on the surface. They were beautiful and precious. "We need to get going," Sky said startling me out of my diamond day dream. "of course, lets go everyone," I said pointing in the direction of a long narrow hallway with quotes written on the walls. As we passed I tried to read a few. They read something like, "if life gives you lemons throw them at your enemies," and another one "the show must go....all over the place," I laughed at the last one and some of the trainees looked at me with worry like I was going insane. "don't worry, I'm not insane, yet." I said giving them a wild smile.

We reached a door that was half covered by the red curtains next to it. "Jaden, see if anyone's down there," I said jerking my thumb to the doorway. She slowly crept up and closed her eyes. Suddenly she jumped backwards. "yes someone's down there, and judging from the thoughts of frustration it's Kylie." Jaden said a huge grin planted on her tan face. "Lets get this over with," Sophia said pushing past us and opening the secret door. Beyond the door a long narrow stairway spiraled down into a dark room below. Sky stepped in first. We all followed her down the damp staircase to the bottom floor. Eager to rescue my friend I stepped in to the filthy torture room first.

Kylie was sprawled on the floor in one of the cracked black cages her arms were sliced and hot thick blood pored onto the cold ground. Her head hung limply to the side, but their were no marks on her face. Her eyes looked cold. Like she didn't have hope. Another girl laid limply beside her. Afraid she was dead I called her name. Thankfully Kylie slowly raised her head. Her eyes shone with recognition, but she didn't act on that thought. "I knew I would start to get hallucinations," she mumbled to herself sleepily. "no, were real Kylie," Jaden said stepping forward "I even brought my friends her to help save you, so get your ass over her and come with us," Jaden said desperation in her voice. "it's really you? No it can't be," Kylie said shaking her head. "it is us. Jaden, Ava and I, we've come to save you." Sky said softly. Kylie's head popped up at the words 'save you'. She stood up and walked clumsily over to where we were standing. The blood on her wrists drying up.
"Sky, is that you?" The girl in the corner next to Kylie said. Sky gasped "Michelle?" Sky asked. Michelle the name sounded familiar. Oh yah she was sky's old BFF who got stolen by the Dashing's. Why was she here? Ava groaned as the situation dawned on her. They took her here after they kidnapped her. She frowned. Not only was she gonna have to break Kylie out of this prison she would also have to rescue Michelle two. Great.
Hope you guys enjoyed part 8! Gosh writing can be hard. Comment if you enjoyed it plus vote to.
Love you guys! 😜

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