Part 9- Escape (attempt) #2

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Chapter 15- Caught
Sky's P.O.V
"Michelle, your here!?" I yelled barely disguising my enthusiasm. "Yes, they took me here after you vanished." she said a look of despair on her face."oh, I'm so sorry. I couldn't control my teleportation. I just closed my eyes and I was on the opposite side of Luna. I came back, but you were gone." I said as an overwhelming amount of guilt washed over me. Michelle must have seen it in my expression because she said,"it wasn't your fault, don't feel guilty." she said a caring expression had replaced the one of despair. "Come, let's get you and Kylie out of here." I said reaching out for Michelle but she just shook her head. "no, leave me. I'm attached to an alarm, if I try to escape Sullen and his warriors will know instantly. Go without me." she said making my insides flip. I didn't want to leave her behind, but I knew if Sullen knew we where escaping we wouldn't be able to get Kylie and Michelle out of here without creating a massacre. "I'll come back for you." I promised her. She didn't say anything, she just nodded her head. With that I grabbed Kylie's thin weak hands and teleported her out of the cage. She landed next to me. Her body was thin and bony, like sullen hadn't fed her all week. We were about to fun for the exit when there was a loud bang telling us the door at the top of the staircase had opened. Loud footsteps echoed down the chamber. Many loud footsteps.

"Kylie, my sweet it's time for your coronation," Sullen's voice bounced off the circular walls down to where Ava, Jaden, Kylie, the rug rats, and I were standing frozen in fear. The only person that didn't look scared shitless was Sophia. Huh weird?
The voices grew louder as the footsteps advanced towards us. Everyone in the group looked at me with expectant eyes. "everyone hold hands and gather into that corner. Ava, Mairen make us invisible." I said in a whisper. As soon as I said the words everyone silently shuffled into the corner and were enveloped into a huge blanket of invisibility. When we were completely covered Sullen and his men opened the door and stepped into the eerily quite room. He looked at the cage and cursed turning to his men and silently giving them directions. When the started walking to the door I thought we were home free, until-"were over here!" Someone yelled. Suddenly Sophia broke from the circle and instantly became visible. She walked over to one of the soldiers behind Sullen and hugged him. He was older than her by at least three years. Her brother.Well this is great just great. I thought as sullen slowly walked over to where we were standing and grinned maliciously.
Plot twist!! Hope you enjoyed part 9. Comment, criticism greatly appreciated. Vote if you like it!!
Love you guys!😜

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