Part 6- Crowned

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Chapter 11- The King
Kylie's P.O.V
Sullen is full of bullpoopy. I know I sound foolish, but I hate to curse unless it's necessary and Sullen's not worth it.
At the moment I'm sitting in a throne room watching his so called 'subjects' talk crap about him. At first it was hilarious. I got to here someone call him a 'dipshit' I cracked up for about half a minute and then got helplessly bored. So I decided to take a stroll. I wish I could escape, but Sullen had his best men watching the doors/windows out into the fresh air of Luna. Sullen told me to try and learn some of the people in his "kingdoms" names, but like my dear friend Ava I'm a procrastinator. I walked around for about 5 minutes before I found a hidden door, the blood red curtains of the ballroom was hung over the entrance. Curious I walked over and pulled the door open with a low 'creak'. A long staircase stood ahead of me leading down into what could be a dungeon. For the sake of fun I walked down the long spiraling staircase to the bottom. My throat was dry from the heat, and my eyes stung. I heard the noise again and I slowly crept toward it. Against the damp wall behind a gravel cage that reeked of blood, sweat, and grief was a girl with long black hair and black eyes. Teleporter. I thought as I walked over to her cage quickly. Before I could touch the bars a man with a familiar grin stepped out from the shadows, "hello, my queen," the evil boy said. At that moment I knew the saying was true. Curiousity did kill the cat.

Chapter 12- Queen
Kylie's P.O.V
"You shouldn't be down here love," Sullen said with a look of fake despair. "why did you come?" He asked. "I was bored listening to your subjects gossip about you. So I went exploring," I said smirking. "well since you've found this place, I must keep you here till your coronation. Don't want our people knowing about a secret dungeon. Do you?" He said not expecting me to reply, I did. "I actually don't care what people think, it's not my kingdom to control." I said as a look of defiance passed over my features. He just smiled and slowly opened the creaky dungeon door and grabbed me by my arm. I struggled to get free from his grasp, and desperately clawed at his already scarred face. His grip didn't loosen he just used his flames to burn my arms. I screamed in pain and he kicked me into the old, nasty cage. Sullen brushed himself off and then looked at me through the bars and reached out his hand to touch my face. I smacked his arm and glared at him. Amusement flared in his evil blood red eyes. "See you at your coronation my queen," he bowed and said, "till tomorrow.
"Hi," the girl leaning on the wall said to me. Just looking at her I could see her hope had been removed from her along time ago. My arms hurt like hell where Sullen had touched them. "Your gonna get married to Sullen?" The girl said with obvious disgust. "no, well yes, but only because I'm being forced into it," I say with displeasure. "oh, I see," she says. "I'm Michelle by the way," Michelle said. Her name felt weirdly familiar. I remembered Sky had mentioned a old friend of hers named Michelle who was kidnapped by the das--"do you know Sky?" I asked as everything clicked into place like a ginormous puzzle. She slowly nodded and I knew then, me and Michelle had to escape.
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Love you guys!😜

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