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Kylie's P.O.V
As me and my family of rug rats walked to the doors of the CVS I felt a new sense of purpose. I'm going to protect this family, for its the only one I have.

My heart picked up pace as I stepped over the threshold. The worn out carpet silenced the sounds of my heavy footsteps. Many people died and we were going to remember them.
Ava and me had already planned to remember the people we lost in a ceremony. People from the old times called these ceremonies funerals. They believed It helped them move on but after attending one myself, the event just made my despair grow.
I had been the reason these people had passed. They helped save me even though I was a complete stranger. In my eyes that was an extremely heroic act. They deserved to be rewarded with life, not punished by death.

After the funeral I retreated back to the room I claimed in the back of the store. It smelled like it used to hold medicine. I was lucky though, for it was the only room with a window. I pressed the cold glass against my face and stared out at the ruins of what used to be called La Jolla. As my eyes passed over a building at the far right next to CVS I saw a shadow looking back at me. Blinking I looked again. Nothing was there.
Probably one of the lost souls of the friends I got killed. If only I wasn't weak! If only my powers were strong enough to kill those sharks then nobody would be dead.
Waking back to the tattered mattress that some what resembled a bed I curled my legs to my face, dropped my head in my hands, and sobbed. Sobbed for the friends that died saving me.

Sullen's P.O.V
I watched Kylie from the shadows of a ruined building. She looked crushed, her soul completely shattered. As she stared out at the ruins impassively, her eyes connected with mine. With the speed of lightning I sinked darker in the shadows protecting me barely avoiding her gaze.
I felt bad for my beautiful darling, she felt pain for her friends I could see it in her eyes, but if she thought this was bad I was about to show her something way worse. With a malicious grin an idea came to me. One that would for surely break Kylie's heart.
Watch out Polia, the Dashing's are coming and we won't stop till we slaughter everyone inside those gates, including Kylie's family.
The End!!
Don't worry there will be a second book coming soon. Hoped you like the first one!! Will Sullen really kill Kylie's family? Will he really take over Polia for himself!? Find out in book 2, Ferocious Flame!

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