Part 2- Freedom

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Chapter 4- Jaden
Sky and Ava were in front of me as we slowly creeped the streets looking for food. The Dashers learned where we were staying and stole everything we owned. Luckily none of us were there or we'd be dead. Cautiously I broke from the group and looked inside an old building. Mysterious black spots covered the floor. The room reeked of death. Like many people were murdered right where I stood. I slowly backed out of the nasty building. Easing my way back to where Ava and Sky stood waiting for me. "Nothing but death in there," I said as we kept walking. Every once in a while a noise would make us all flinched. Sky would teleport behind a trash can, her bow trained on the sound, instantly nocking an arrow into place. Ava would turn invisible, a silver flash telling me her machete was in her hands before her and her weapon vanished from view. I would simply unsheathe my daggers and step into the shadows waiting for the source of the noise to reveal themselves.
After a few false alarms a dashing stepped from a dark alley into view. A boy with blond hair and bright yellow eyes. Luckily he didn't see us, for we were hidden from his view. My stomach squirmed. I'd never seen a shapeshifter. I mean, teleporting, super speed, and flying. I've run into those powers a couple of times, but shapeshifter's are rare.
The boy pulled someone else out from the alleys shadows. A girl about our age. Her hair was cropped short, skimming her shoulders. Her hair was light brown with blond highlights mixed in making her hair look golden. Her eyes burned with determination and hatred. Maybe she was new to Luna, otherwise why would she break the golden rule, "don't under any circumstances go into dashing territory," it's practically suicide. If Sky hadn't intercepted that fight me and one of the dashing boys had gotten into a year ago, I would've been food for the worms. Sky and I looked at each other, the thought passed through us with no words spoken we needed to break up this fight. We returned our focus on the scene in front of us. The boy had shoved the girl onto the ground. She looked up at him with fury filled eyes and spoke. "you'll never get away with this, if my group finds out I'm missing they will kill you and your friends," the girls voice didn't waver, and no fear crossed her face. She didn't realize how much dark power she was facing. My eyes shut in pity. She was new, she hasn't had time to master her newfound power yet. She didn't stand a chance not unless we helped her. The boy grinned at the girl. A grin so cruel and evil that even I cringed. She on the other hand trembled under his gaze. "You might have friends, but their not here to help you now, I will kill you for trespassing and then me and my friends will kill off the rest of your group. How does that sound?" The boy replied laughing as she backed away. "Get away from her you little piece of shit," Ava yelled stepping into view. Me and sky stood next to her, the lamplight of the dark street lighting our faces. "look at this, your hero's have arrived," the boy said staring directly at me "and I see the Amber girl is among your saviors," "me and my friends have heard rumors about you guys," the girl on the floor said looking up at us with such hope we could save her that the pressure weighed me down. "Yes, they are so amazing, aren't they," the boy looked at us with an emotion I recognized, envy. Surprisingly he lunged at the girl, probably hoping he could kill her before we killed him. Which in my opinion was a stupid move. I focused on throwing the boy into the wall and I felt the energy serge forward obeying me, his head hit the wall behind him with a crash and he crumpled to the floor leaving a human size dent in the brick. The boy laid motionless in the street, laying in a heap under the moonlight.
"You ok?" I asked as I helped the girl to her feet. "Yep, fine," she said looking dazed at the boy laying on the concrete. Probably surprised we took him out that fast. "My name is Kylie, this is Ava and this is Sky," I said gesturing to each of us so she'd know which of us were which. "My name is Jaden, nice to meet you," she replied her fear evaporating. "Likewise," Ava, me, and Sky replied all at the same time. "Do you need help getting back home?" Sky asked Jaden "nope I'll be fine, but my group won't. Those guys have been tracking us for days. Do you think we can settle with you guys?" Jaden asked genuine worry filling her eyes. Me, Ava, and Sky shared a look. "Of course," we all replied at the same time. Jaden's face lit with relief but quickly changed to annoyance. She pushed Sky out of the way seconds before the boy who had been a heap on the ground attempted to plunge a blade into Sky's neck. Jaden kicked him in the crotch. Bringing him to his knees. Groaning he tried to stand up, but sky thought fast. She gracefully turned on her toes and kicked him in the temple. A knockout blow. "how did you know he was coming?" Sky asked. Jaden tapped her head "I'm a telepath," when sky looked confused Jaden added "I can read minds," "Ooo, cool, anyway thanks for saving me," Sky said looking at Jaden with newfound respect. Jaden simply shrugged and said something that would forever be her philosophy "shit happens."

Chapter 5- The Capture

Jaden lead us threw damp tunnels. Over rotten bridges, and around dashing territory for 20 minutes until we got to a huge store. A faded sign above the entrance read CVS. She explained how her group found the building, and instantly took shelter inside because they were being chased by the dashing's. As soon as I stepped inside I felt a feeling of wrongness about the place. I could tell jaden and the others felt the same because of their weary glances to the exit. I looked around the room trying to let my surroundings sink in. The building was gloomy, the ceiling was covered in broken lights that constantly flickered on and off. So much that I thought I'd get a seizure "That's strange nobody's here," Jaden said searching the last of the rooms. Looking around I saw something white behind a corner in the back of the store. I jogged over to where I saw the paper. Laying on a table behind a counter was a body. The dead boys expression was a mix of shock and pain. His throat was sliced cleanly, but blood spilled everywhere like a crimson river. The sight was appalling. My nose scrunched up at the horrid smell of decay. Jaden jogged up next to me "hey, you find anyth--," her voice stopped as her eyes found the body of the boy. "Johnny!!!" Jaden screamed walking towards him she collapsed by his side a tear falling to the ground to the loss of her friend. Ava and Sky ran to my side, they probably heard jaden scream and thought we were in danger. When they saw the bloody scene on the table they both gasped. Sky and Ava strode to Jaden's side wiping away her tears and doing their best to comfort her. I would've done the same if I didn't see the white paper on the dead boys chest. I walked over to the corpse that used to be Johnny and plucked the paper off his cold stiff skin. The note read:
If you don't want more innocent people to die, turn yourselves in to us when the sun rises tomorrow, where the water and the city meet. Don't try to pull any tricks or we will have a huge massacre party and invite all the people in Luna. Hurry before your friends time runs out.
-Sincerely, The Dashing's
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