Part 11- Sullen's Bride

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Chapter 17- Wedding
Kylie's P.O.V
At the moment I hated my life. Like seriously I hated living. I know your thinking don't go emo on me
but seriously I am pissed at both Sophia (even though I didn't know her well) and that son of a devil Sullen.
I wish I could rip the still beating hearts out of their chest and watch as their bodies fall to the floor lifelessly. I know I sound merciless but that's what Luna does to you.

All my friends were somewhere under the castle being tortured by Sullen's minions. Possibly dying. I couldn't take it. My heart throbbed in my chest. I hoped they were okay.
Well I at least had humanity if not mercy

At the moment I'm being fitted in a wedding dress. Yes you read right, a wedding dress. I was told it was going to be a bright red wedding dress to match the color of blood. Thinking about it red is also the color of Sullen's eyes. How ironic!

I don't know why we had to be wedded. Sullen was all like 'it's tradition'. What does he know about tradition? Is torturing people a tradition in our culture because if it is I'm not surprised that our civilization ended.

"Ow! Watch the pins!" I said to the dress lady. "sorry Mrs. Hetria," I smiled at my name and directed a warm grin at the lady. "it's fine," I said thinking she was nice. I wonder how she fell into this crowd.

When the dress was finished it was beautiful and fitted me perfectly it had rhinestones covering the upper chest part and had a huge bow in the back plus it's strapless, but I didn't express my feelings I just nodded to the woman with a soft smile. She walked away with her head held high. Im always happy to contribute to someone's ego. Right when I started to think peaceful thoughts Sullen barged in like he owned the place. Which he technically did but that is beside the point. "you look absolutely delicious," he said looking me up and down. "excuse me I'm not dessert," I said glaring daggers at him. If looks could kill he'd be 10 feet under. "lets go get married, Lady Hetria". "shut up, I don't want to talk to you," I said pushing past him and gliding through the door. "feisty I see," he said with a smirk. "yep and if you make one move toward me I will rip your nut sack off, I'll rip it right off!" I said snorting in disgust. I learned that whole 'nut sack' thing from Sky. She said it'll scare boys shitless. When I saw Sullen's face pale slightly I knew she was right and I silently giggled to myself.

We walked to a huge gazebo in the backyard of his castle. Somehow the grass was perfectly kept like they had a personal gardener on speed dial. Sullen walked to the very edge of the gazebo where a priest stood. Many people sat in the seats around the raised ground Sullen and the priest were standing on.

This was it. I would get married to a murderer that was filled to the brim with bloodlust and whom was just marrying me to be in control of all my powers. For when we were married me and all my power belonged to him. To a monster. That's how it works in Luna.
Ooooh will her friends save her? Will Sophia lead Sullen's army against them? Who will die and who will live?
Find out in the next chapter!!
Love you guys!😜

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