Part 5- Traning

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Chapter 10- Fear
Ava's P.O.V
I sat in the main room of the worn down CVS while Sky and Jaden were trying to form a plan. I was trying to teach Jaden's buddy's how to use their abilities and fight. The scene was chaotic. Two blond girls zoomed around the room nocking into a blond boy who cursed and Judo flipped the short one. "Sophia, what the hell do you think your doing," "I'm trying to learn Kai, now let me up so Gwen and I can practice," said the girl who was named Sophia. I liked Sophia she had spirit. She was small and short with not much muscle, but we're she lacked strength she made up for with heart. Sophia had long wavy blond hair and bright greenish yellow eyes. Gwen the other blond girl that had knocked into Kai was average height with short pixie like blond hair. Aside from Sophia, her eyes were a dark green. She was hilarious and was good at making people uncomfortable. Especially boys. Which tended to crack me up. Kai the blond boy was tough, but he was also a bookworm. He loved his pistol, which tended to creep me out a little. Kai was a good fighter, but not better than me of course. His coolness didn't come close to how awesome I was. He needed practice. The three other kids were entertaining. A blond girl named Dylan, another blonde named Caeley (so many blondes), and a auburn haired girl named Mairen. Dylan had blue eyes like Kai, but she was a better flyer than he was. She was graceful and made flying look like an art only she had mastered. Dylan might have been graceful, but she also was fierce. She reminded me of myself. I wonder if she was keeping a big secret too. Carley had blue eyes like Dylan, but she was less graceful and more frightening. I feel pity for whoever had to fight her in combat. She would kick their ass faster than Jaden could curse, and jaden could curse extremely fast. Last was Mairen. Like Sophia she was scrawny and weak, but she made up for that disadvantage by being calculating and fast. Her invisibility also gave her an edge. How do you fight someone you can't see? I'll give you the answer, you can't! That's why I'm so awesome, but I'm also cool because I'm a master at swordsmanship. "hey settle down," I yell into the sea of rug rats ( that's my nickname for them). Instantly all the rug rats stopped and turn their attention to me. I loved being in control.
"You have to be amazing if we want to beat Sullen and his army and save Kylie. Do you understand?" I yell. They all nod. I smile ruthlessly and say "by the way I'm not jaden. Therefore I am not your friends. If you talk while I'm talking, I will cut of your tongues and feed it to the sharks outside the gates that you all had the pleasure of meeting and if you decide to play around while I'm teaching I will push you into Dashing territory and make your friends watch as you are torn apart limb by limb." The group trembled with fear and I grinned with pleasure. I couldn't help it, they actually thought I was being serious. Haha, if only they knew I was joking. Jaden's going to kill me. Oh well, let her try.

Chapter 11- Work
Sky's P.O.V

Jaden and I walked out of the office only to see Ava standing at the far end of the main room yelling at the trainees. Their faces were overtook with fear. I laughed. Ava was probably messing with their heads, that's sort of her thing. I loved it when she did this, it cracked me up. The trainees looked at me and Jaden with gratitude like we just saved them from a tyrant. I laughed again as I strode over to the front next to Ava. Jaden joined us and glared at Ava realizing she had been threatening her friends a moment before. "sorry for taking so long," Jaden apologized "but luckily we came up with an ingenious plan, if I works," Jaden said whispering the last part so only me and Ava could hear it. "We will need you all prepared to fight though," I said looking at each of the six newbies. "hopefully, I can pull off the teleportation," I said doubt filled my heart, but I pushed back the emotion. I needed to stay strong for my friends they needed me, and so did Kylie.

Ava, Jaden, and I split up rooms. I was in the back which I suspected used to be a pharmacy before the normals v.s supernaturals war, teaching ability control. Ava was in the main room teaching history and Jaden was in the front of the store teaching combat.
All of us had three students. In my class I had Caeley, Sophia, and Mairen. Caeley and Sophia were naturally gifted at mastering their abilities, but Mairen was having trouble keeping her in invisibility shifts in check. One second we'd be telling her to close her eyes and the next she'd be gone. Mairen didn't know why she couldn't control it. She kept saying 'statistics say if I snap my powers should work' but each time she failed she became more stressed. I finally told her to shove cake up her face and listen. I explained how you need to believe and trust your ability and focus on your goal. After an hour she learned how to turn invisible and visible again. I was proud. It took me awhile to get used to my powers when I was new to Luna, but when I met Ava she helped me figure it out. I always loved her for helping me then. Those times were frightening for me, that was when Sullen had took my other friend Michelle. She could teleport as well. Me and her were out looking for shelter one day and had stumbled into Sullen and his friends, my instincts took over and I teleported away to the other side of Luna where I had stumbled into Ava. We trained together and I learned to control were I wanted to go and when I wanted to go there. After, I went back to were I accidentally left Michelle and tried to find her so I could bring her to where we were staying. I searched for two days, but couldn't find her so I gave up. That's how me and Ava's journey began.
Tried to add more personification to the main 4 which was suggested by a friend. Hopefully part 5 was good. Vote if you like, and comment if you have ideas/suggestions.
Love you guys 😜
P.S the main 4 are based on real people.

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