Part 10- Traitor

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Chapter 16- Sophia
Jaden's P.O.V
As Sullen glared down at us I cringed. I don't understand how Kylie could speak with him without whimpering. He was scary, and when I say scary I mean scary. His red eyes were always lit with evil and he was skinny to the bone. Plus his hair looked like red flames bursting off his head. In my opinion he looked like the reincarnation of Satan, if that's possible. We were still invisible but he knew we were there thanks to that traitor Sop... Nope, I don't even want to say her name.

Sullen gazed around and I swore he locked eyes with me but he didn't acknowledge it. "I know your here. Just come out and save me the trouble of playing Marco Polo." he said. Ava, who was standing next to me abruptly dropped her hands to her side and all of us became visible."ahh, there you are," he said as he grabbed Kylie's wrist pulling her out of the circle and dragging her the door. I know it sounds stupid but I grabbed her other arm and tried pulling her back. For a few seconds me and Sullen played tug of war with Kylie being the rope. That was until like ever other mean kid in elementary school he let go of it which caused me to fall back on my ass and Kylie to fall on top of me.
Stupid Prick
I pushed Kylie gently off me and stood up brushing myself off I walked to Ava's side. Hey at least I tried.

Sullen pulled Kylie out the door, but not before he whispered an order to his warriors. The men looked at us with hungry eyes and grinned. Well, I guess I'll have to kick some asses after all. Yay.
I know I know, this chapter was short. I tried to make it best I could. Vote and comment if you like. Criticism is greatly appreciated.
Love you guys! 😜

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