Part 14- Escape from dashingland

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Chapter 21- GENIUS
Kylie's P.O.V
"Ow......Ow!" I woke to a start. Ava was running with me in her arms. My head kept bumping into her chest. "good your awake, now run." she said launching me out of her arms in front of her. Landing with a thud in a crouching position I quickly recovered and sprinted after her. Sky, Jaden, Dylan, and the new comer Alena ran ahead of us. Footsteps rang behind us like rain hitting an umbrella. I almost stumbled as I tried to look back to see the enemy. "No, never look back always look forward," Ava said with the slightest bit of humor in her eyes. "wow Ava you sound really heroic and wise." I said a bit flabbergasted. "I know right! I've been practicing that quote since we were training to save you!" She laughed, I simply rolled my eyes and ran faster.

We got to a huge wooden door that lead to the exit. I ran for it, but the door was chained. It was like Sullen knew were would end up in that exact corridor. My body tensed and my blood felt as thick as lead. "wait, doesn't she have the power of teleportation? Why doesn't she just poof us out of here?," Alena questioned pointing her index finger at Sky. "GENIUS! Sky poof us out of here!" I said turning to my friend with hope. "it doesn't resemble poofing but I see your point. Everyone hold hands!" We all gathered in a circle and faced each other like we had done many times before. Alena squirmed uncomfortably, she'd never teleported before. I felt her fear and I squeezed her hand. "don't worry it's fun not scary," I said with a warm smile hopefully reassuring her.

Right before we teleported out of the hallway Sullen and his warriors rounded the corner. I expected to see shock or fear on his face, but instead I saw something unexpected and frightening. Sullen looked at me with the most unnerving smugness I've ever seen in my life and as the swirl of time threatened to suck me in I thought something terrifying
What if this was his plan after all? What if we're falling into a trap!
This is the last chapter before the epilogue so I hoped you enjoyed it!! Sorry it was short!
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