Part 7- Break in

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Chapter 13- Practice means perfect
Sky's P.O.V
My legs gave out and I fell to the floor with a crash. Ava, Jaden and the rug rats rushed to my side trying to keep me awake, but I was too exhausted. My eyelids fluttered shut and I slipped into darkness.

I was half conscious but I could still make out the yelling voice's next to me. "idiot! Why did you make her do that last teleportation, she was already exhausted!" Ava yelled "well I didn't know sky was that weak! So shut up I already feel guilty as it is," Jaden said back to Ava trying to calm down. "you should feel guilty! She could've died if Mairen didn't somehow know medical care!"Ava yelled back. I decided to wake up before there arguing turned into a fight. God forbid what would happen if Jaden got out her crossbow, then again Ava could probably slice off her head in a millisecond. Both are badasses you never know. "shut up! Both of you. I already have a headache if you don't stop your gibberish I will have to teleport you to Siberia with only ice cream as a tribute for your friendship, I don't think ice cream will be so enjoyable in Siberia." I yelled thankfully shutting their mouths, temporarily.
"Okay," they both said at the same time. "jinks," they both yelled "crack jinks," the yelled again together "crack crack jinks jinks!" Again together. "SHUT UP!!!!!" I yelled. They both looked at me with shock. "I'm exhausted so please be quiet." i said with pleading eyes. They both mumbled apologies and walked out of the room I was in. I was in one of the rooms in the back of the CVS. The room had awfully bright white walls. tattered curtains clung to a metal bar on the ceiling. The tattered brown curtains covered a small window. The room smelled like a hospital. This was probably were they kept medicines back in the old days. I walked over to the window and put my forehead against the thin clear glass. My feverish head instantly felt better against the nice cold window pain. Looking out I saw the ruins of what used to be an amazing town. Ava told me Luna used to be called La Jolla. I always wondered what had happened to it. If only I knew someone who lived in the olden days. All I knew was the war destroyed everything. La Jolla, a place that used to be filled with wealthy people was now plainly ruin and crime.
After my head cooled down I walked out the wooden door that lead to where the others were. I heard a crash. Like something had broken and Jaden yelled. I was on alert and started rushing through the hallways when I heard her words more clearly "shit happens!!" She yelled. Laughing I calmly jogged out to where the others were. They were all huddling in the main room. A shattered flower glass lay sprawled on the floor. Water soaked the already rotten wood. "Hey, sky your up!" Jaden yelled over to me. I nodded slowly knowing what came next. "you want to start practicing again?" Jaden asked. Ava scowled at her "what? She knew what she was getting into." Jaden asked looking innocent. "yah, I'm fine," Sky said. "Then lets practice! Shall we." Jaden said motioning all of us into a circle. After we all held hands facing each other, I closed my eyes and imagined us teleporting us outside CVS. From the corner of my eye I could see Ava and Mairen working on keeping us invisible.
After about an hour of failed attempts we got results. When I opened my eyes we were all outside the building. Success filled me as wind breezed through my raven black hair. The wind tangled my hair, but I didn't care. We could finally save Kylie.

After a few minutes of letting me cool off, we all gathered our weapons from inside CVS. I had my bow on my back and my quiver strapped to my chest. I also had a samurai sword sheathed at my side in case I ran out of my silver arrows. Ava ran in to get her machete and Jaden went to retrieve her crossbow. Kai got his riffle. Sophia got her rapier blade. Caeley got her steel sword for which she called Shimerus. Dylan got her two throwing knives. Mairen got a small dagger. I had to admit we looked pretty badass. That is until we all held hands and gathered into a circle. Ava, Mairen and I closed our eyes and focused. When I opened my eyes we were inside Sullen's palace. We broke in, and it felt thrilling!
I decided to make only one chapter for part 7 since the chapter is so long. Vote if you enjoy. Comment your suggestions.
Love you guys!😜

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