Part 4- Queen

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Chapter 8- Power
Kylie's P.O.V
"Ah, my beautiful queen has awoken," Sullen announced at the head of the ballroom pointing his menacing bony finger to my black cage. Everyone turned in my direction. "queen, you wish. Like I would ever stand next to you. I gag from disgust just looking at your bony crippled face," I yell back to Sullen. "Now, now that's no way to speak to your king, darling." I growled lunging at the cage that imprisoned me, but before I could touch the chalky black bars they burst into flames. I tried to use my telekinetic's to pry the bars open but they didn't budge. "My dear, you don't know? Im a flamer therefore I can create and bend fire at my will. Telekinesis doesn't stop fire my dear because energy can't diffuse energy, but when energy and energy collide the users of the energy get more power. Whenever you try your magic it makes my power stronger and that's why you must be my queen." Sullen smiles at my shocked face. I can't use my powers to defeat him and to add onto that I make him stronger. Therefore I'm probably going to be the reason the world ends. Just another amazing day in Luna.

Chapter 9- The Plan
Jaden's P.O.V

"We have to do something," Sky says to me a look of fear on her face. We were in my groups old spot, CVS. Sky, and I were in the office trying to decide what to do while Ava gave the group lessons on combat and abilities. "I know, but I think we need a game plan. Sullen and the Dashing's are extremely good at detecting were we are at all times. We need to avoid being detected," I reply "and how do you suppose we do that?" Sky says, worry lines already appearing on her young face. "I don't know," I say cautiously. "See this is wh--," "Wait, what if Ava uses her invisibility, and you teleport us in?" I say interrupting Sky's complaint. "We can try? But I don't know if it will work, it's hard teleporting two people eight is going to take a lot of practice, but I can do it." Sky says determination sparkling in her eyes. My fear slowly faded away. I had Sky and Ava plus a whole group of friends. We would get Kylie out of Sullen's grasp, even if it was the last thing we accomplished.
Sorry this Chapters short. I wanted to make this part first and not jumble the whole escape on one part. Hope you like reading it. If you did vote. If you were confused or have any spectacular ideas comment on the story.
Love you guys 😜

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