Chapter 16

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Hey guys!!! I told you I would update :)


Once Jacob and me had gone to his house, his dad was excited to see him he then yelled at him for taking off. I smiled as Jacob bent down and embraced his father in a loving hug.

After they pulled away Jacob walked over to me and playfully bumped my hip causing me to stumble a little.

"Thanks for convincing me to come see my dad Odette." He said

"I knew you missed your dad Jacob , it was no problem." I shrugged with a warm smile

"So what are you doing later?" He asked curiously

"Soccer game."

"Can I come watch?" He asks hopefully

"Course you can Jacob." I teased

"Cool what time?"

I grabbed my phone and checked the time "about 5:30."

"I'll see you then and you better win this game or I'll be extremely disappointed in you." He tried to say in a serious tone , but ended up smirking.

"Shut up Jake!" I playfully punched him

I hugged Jacob and Billy before I left their house, while I was walking home I was lost in listening to the sounds around me, when Paul's big grey wolf popped up in front of me. We stood there starring at each other, before he ran off with a whine disappearing into the woods.

I shook off the strange encounter and continued walking home. Once I got home, I saw dad and Maria sitting on the porch with Sam.

"Sam!" I shouted

He looked up and waved, once I got closer he got up from his chair and embraced me in a tight hug.

"How's Emily?" I asked once we broke apart

"Great Emily's been sleeping since you left and our son has been in my arms all day." He beamed happily

Oh yeah fatherhood suited Sam just right.

I quirked and eyebrow "so why are you here then and not still at the hospital?"

He frowned "They made me go home and shower and change." He complained

I laughed "Well I hate to say it Sam, but you do kind of stink." I said taking two steps back to prove my point.

Sam playfully growled "Way to hurt my feelings Odette." He said while dragging me into a wolf hug while he laughed.

"Get off you big fat wolf!" I squealed

"It's not fat Detta, it's all muscle." Sam laughed

"Dad!" I whined as he and Maria laughed

"Sam let my daughter go, before you hurt her." Maria warned

Sam obediently complied, I stuck my tongue out at him "Jerk."

Sam just laughed as I thanked my stepmom and went in my room.

When I got inside I let out a frightened squeal as I saw a shirtless Paul standing by my window, I clutched my heart and tried calming my scared heart down.

"Sorry I didn't mean to frighten you Odette."

"Paul what are you doing here?" I said as I locked my door in case dad came upstairs.

"I came to see you Odette." Paul said in an obvious matter

"Why?" I said as I watched him walk closer to me

"Do I need a reason to see you now?" He growled

"No-it's just we already saw each other." I said nervously

"I know, but I wanted to be near you in human form." He said as he continued to walk closer to me, making me step back.

"Paul." I said as he walked closer to me.

I continued to take steps back until the back of my legs hit my bed, causing a curse to be let out of my mouth.

Paul pulled me to his chest and tightly wrapped his arms around my waist, he buried his face into the crook of my neck causing my breathe to hitch as I felt his warm breath tickling my neck.

"I miss you so much Odette." He whispered into my ear as he placed butterfly kisses on my neck.

I moaned as he sucked on my sweet spot, arching my neck to give him more access.

God what was I allowing myself to do? Wasn't I the one who said I didn't want Paul or Jacob anymore? And yet here I am in my room allowing Paul to do this to me.

Paul pushed me down on my bed gently and straddled me as he gazed down on me.

He leaned down an hovered his lips inches from mine, watching and waiting for me to make the first move. Instead I gazed into his eyes, causing a flutter to erupt in my stomach as he lowered his lips onto my awaiting ones.

He kissed me softly ,placing his hand on my cheek.

The kiss was right, everything with Paul felt right....but being near Jacob felt right too. I couldn't allow myself to get hurt again, I tried pushing him off but he tightened his hold on me and made me lose myself in the kiss we were sharing.

Authors note: uh oh there's gonna be drama!!! You just watch lol!!!

Tell me what you think guys :)

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