chapter 19

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Enjoy my fellow readers:)!!! Comment!!!


I watched Odette as she ran over to her team mates happily, it was an awesome experience to watch her play. I'd never found an interest in going to watch her play before when we were dating, but I'm glad I did.

She lost herself when she played, just like I lost myself when ever I shifted and ran freely in wolf form, my heart fluttered when she called me Jake, she'd been the only one allowed to call me that, before Bella and then Odette started calling me Jacob.

My name coming from her full lips sent shivers down my body, god I loved her. But I knew she was torn between what she felt for Paul and me. I also knew she'd had sex with Paul, her scent was mixed with his, no matter how hard she scrubbed it was obvious they'd had sex. This made my heart clench, I growled in frustration, I know I'd been her first but knowing Paul was now the one pleasuring her angered me; he was playing dirty.

If I wanted her to realized her feelings for me, I'd have to show her just how good it would feel being with me again before the Bella drama.


"Whoop, Whoop!" We chanted as we showered and changed

"Ladies victory party at my house this weekend!" Belinda announced

we all cheered loudly

"Hey are you going?" Reina asked me as I pulled my wet hair up into a messy bun

"Yeah, you?" I asked

"Yeah girl!- oh Detta" she said

I looked up "Yeah?"

"Leave your hair down you're hair looks hot in your natural waves." she giggled

I scowled playfully and pulled my hair down allowing it to cascade down my back and shoulders.

"See ya girl." Reina said as she walked out

I waved good-bye and opened my locker to grab my change of clothes, I was startled when I felt a pair of lips on my shoulder, I turned around and gasped when I saw how close my face was to Jacob's.

"Jacob- what" I said nervously as I tried to cover myself

Jacob pushed me back softly into my locker "Jacob." I said as he gazed at me

"You've been having sex with Paul haven't you?" Jacob whispered huskily as he kissed my neck

"No." I immediately lied

He laughed "I can still smell his scent on you Odette."

I gasped when I felt him graze his teeth against my flesh "It's none of your business, whether I've been with Paul Jacob." I said lowly

He lifted his head up and allowed his full height to tower over me "Do you really believe that Odette?" He asked

I nodded "What do you feel when I kiss you?" he asked

I looked at him confused, he hadn't kissed me "I don't know because we've-" he mashed our lips together in a rough passionate kiss, I wrapped my arms around his neck as he dragged me closer to his body. When we separated we were still close to each other, our breaths mingling in a sweet manner.

"Now tell me what you feel." Jacob whispered

I waited before I answered and closed my eyes allowing myself to feel. My lips were tingling and goosebumps were all over my body, I opened my eyes to see Jacob's brown eyes gazing at me tenderly.

"I feel like my whole body is on fire." I confessed

Jacob must have liked my response because he smirked pleased with my answer.


I shifted back into my human form and went over to Sam and Emily's house, I knew they weren't going to be there because Emily was in the hospital with Sam tending to their newborn baby. I could hear loud chatter and laughter coming from inside as I approached the house.

"Hey Paul." Leah greeted me as she laid out our dinner on the table

"Hey Leah." I greeted as I walked over to my pack brothers in the living room.

"Hey bros!" I greeted obnoxiously as I messed up Seth's hair

He slapped my hand and playfully growled at me

They all greeted me with hellos.

"So what's the fuss about?" I asked curiously

"Odette's soccer game." Nick replied

I smiled "How was it?" the words she said hurt but I couldn't stay angry at her

"Pretty awesome, she was a beast!" Quil said through a mouthful of chicken

"How bad did they whip the other team again?" Embry asked sarcastically

"Way to bad to even discuss!" Nick cheered

I looked around and saw Jacob was missing "Hey where's Jacob?" I asked through clenched teeth

They looked around "Huh, guess he's still back at the school waiting for Odette." Embry said as if it was nothing

My fists clenched tightly on to the pillow I was holding "Oh." I said through clenched teeth

They fell back into conversation once again

"I have to go." I said while storming out of the Uley's home

I shifted angrily and ran to Odette's school, the hell if I let Jacob make a damn move on my girl!


"Jacob don't you dare!" I squealed as he threw me over his shoulder and spun us around in circles

He laughed, we were out on the soccer field playing around like little school children.

"Jacob Black Put me down right now!" I screamed happily

"Nah, I like this position." he teased

"Yeah well I don't Black!" Paul's voice said angrily with an edge

I looked over my shoulder and saw Paul in cut off shorts and sleeves glaring at Jacob.

"Jake put me down please." I whispered

He listened and gently set me back down on to the ground, Paul was now in front of Jacob, the only thing separating them was me as they glared at one another.

"Calm down Paul we were just hanging out." Jake said calmly

"Hanging out?" Paul laughed humorously

"Yes, Paul hanging out." I expressed as he turned his angry eyes on to me

"Funny, does what we did earlier considered hanging out too Odette?" Paul said referring to us having sex.

Him throwing it back in my face made me flinch

"Don't talk to her like that!" Jacob growled

I looked down hurt at Paul's words.

"Why Jacob, jealous that she prefers me in between her legs?" he laughed

Jacob lunged at Paul and they began to fight viciously.

"Stop it!" I screamed as Paul began punching Jacob hard.

I got behind Paul and tried yanking him off, he ended up throwing me back on to the ground hard. I got up again and used all my strength to tear him off Jacob.

"ENOUGH!" I screamed as I got in between them

"Just stop it please." I begged

Paul winced as he heard the crack in my voice.

"This has to end Please." I begged looking at both of them

"The only way for this to end Odette is if you chose, right now." Paul said in a serious manner

Jacob nodded "So, who's it going to be Odette, me or Paul?" Jacob asked in a serious tone.

Authors note: alright guys the song to your right will be the theme song for when ever Odette has a moment with Paul or Jacob or if the three are all together in a situation:)

Who's it going to be? (A Jacob and Paul love story)Where stories live. Discover now