chapter 6

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I was heading to Mr. Nolan's Geometry class, when I saw Odette's head bent down doodling in her notebook.

I just ignored her and walked to the seat behind her.

"Alright Class settle down!" Mr. Nolan said over the talking students.

"Welcome back Seniors and you all know this is a Senior Geometry class."

We all nodded

"We won't do anything new until Friday, but you have some papers to fill out so don't get too excited!"

The entire class including myself groaned as he passed out the papers. I guess Odette didn't notice when I sat behind her because when she noticed me her eyes went wide but she immediately composed herself.

"Hey Odette." I greeted nervously as I passed her the papers.

"Hello Jacob." she flatly greeted. Then she ignored me.

After our encounter I heard Embry whisper a hello to her. I turned back around to see her smiling at Embry. Then they ignored me and talked about some random things.

Damn it why the hell is she making this so awkward!

I mentally slapped myself , and thought Maybe because you dumped her for Bella! I heard Embry hiss in my head.

I turned to glare at him Get out of my head idiot and quit invading my private thoughts!

Then quit thinking about your break up with Odette you idiot and get over it already she deserves that much!

I clenched my fists in anger 

I need to only focus on Bella.


"So how are you?" Embry asked me as he glared at Jacob 

"Fine why?"

"Paul told me about Jake breaking up with you again." He said treading lightly not to upset me

I shrugged "That's over and done with Embry I'm over it."

"Any reason why?" He asked teasingly

"No." i replied

"Liar." Embry said

"What, I'm not lying!" I squeaked out

Embry playfully glared at me, Then the bell rang and I thanked the spirits for saving me by the bell.

"Bye Embry!" I said while running out of class

School dragged on until lunch came. I was walking over towards Nick when someone swooped me up from behind.

"Hey Odette." Paul greeted

I squealed as he hugged me tightly.

"Hey Paul." I said excitedly

Paul had already graduated from high school so I had no idea why he was back in this hell hole! Once Paul finally set me back on my two feet he leaned down and kissed my forehead.

"Um Paul, not that I'm not glad to see you, but what're you doing here?"

He chuckled a deep laugh that caused me to break out into goosebumps.

That's strange? i thought to myself

"Well my little Odette I thought I'd come visit you."

I smiled "Hey! I'm not little and how sweet!"

"Your small compared to me!" he chuckled

I growled at his short comment.

"humph!" I said while walking over to Nick

"AW COME ONE ODETTE I'M SORRY!" He shouted as I walked away

"Hey Odette." Nick greeted me as I sat down

"Hey!" I said while snatching a fry off his plate

Nick playfully glared at me as I smiled innocently

"Here I bought em' for you anyways." He whinnied as he pushed the tray over to me

I squealed and kissed him on the cheek. I moaned at the greasy carbalicious heaven in my mouth!

"Whoa now don't have an orgasm Odette!" Nick said teasingly.

I punched him on his arm and glared at him.

"OW!" He whinnied like a baby

"You deserve it so suck it up and take it like a fucking man!" I teased

Nick stuck his tongue out at me

"So." Nick started

"So." I said back

"So what's up with you and Paul?" He asked curiously

"Nothing we're just friends." I answered honestly

"Interesting." he said

"What do you mean interesting?"

"You two have gotten really close."


"So is he the reason why you don't care about Jacob Black anymore?"

I groaned "We're just friends.'

"Mhmm." He said unconvinced

"You know Embry asked a question similar to yours." I blabbed out

"I bet he did."

Then the conversation dropped.

Then the conversation dropped

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Who's it going to be? (A Jacob and Paul love story)Where stories live. Discover now