chapter 5

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hey guys this chapter is when Odette is going back to school!! enjoy


"I don't want to go back to school!" I whinnied as Kingston drove me to school.

He chuckled as he listened to me complain.

"It won't be that bad Odette." He stressed

"You only say that because you're done with school."

He smiled "At least it's your last year Odette."

It was my last year and for that I was happy.

"Whatever." I slumped down into my seat as we approached the high school on the reservation.

Even though I was clearly old enough to drive a car and myself to school Kingston still felt the need to watch me and drive me so that he could be reassured I was safe. Call it being overprotective and I'll agree with it. 

when we finally arrived I unbuckled my seat belt and got out of the car.

"Love you sis!" he said

I lowered myself down to the window so I could see him "Love you too bro."

Then I walked towards the school to get my schedule.

"Hey Mrs. Donovan." I said to the receptionists.

She smiled a gentle loving smile

"Hello Odette, I have your schedule right here and here is your lock." she said while handing me both items.

Once I got my schedule I said goodbye to Mrs. Donovan and I headed to my locker.

where the hell is 36 B! I hissed angrily

I frantically searched all over the school until I finally found my locker on the outskirts of the school.

I didn't pay attention to any of my surroundings until I felt a pair of muscular tanned arms around me.

"Hey Odette!" Nick whispered in my ear

Nick was one of my best friends, he was quite good looking but we never had a romantic connection! I turned around and wrapped my arms around Nick's neck.

"Hey Nick." I said while kissing his cheek

I turned back around and grabbed everything I'd need. Then Nick and I walked to the auditorium to wait for school to start.

"So did you get your schedule?" Nick asked as we sat down

"Yep!" I said while popping the "p"

"So hand it over." He teased as he yanked the paper out of my hand as he began to read it out loud

"You've got Geometry first block"

"Then cooking class second block"

"Soccer practice third block, that's not surprising at all!

"Fourth block you've got study hall and lunch"

"Nice you've got a pretty good schedule."

I nodded my head happily as he read out my classes.

"Basically we only have lunch and study hall together." He said while frowning

I giggled and grabbed his face "Aw poor wittle Niki all alone without me in this big olé school." I said teasingly.

Nick stuck his tongue out at me.

Then the bell rang for first block, I kissed Nick's cheek as we went our separate ways.

I walked into Mr. Nolan's Geometry class and took a seat in the back.

"Good morning Odette." Mr. Nolan greeted

I smiled "Morning Teach!"

I began to doodle in my notebook not paying attention to any of my classmates that entered.

"Alright Class settle down." Mr. Nolan said over our talking

I looked up as he started talking

"Welcome back seniors and you all know this is a senior Geometry class." we all nodded

"We wont do anything new until Friday, but you have some papers to fill out, so don't get excited!"

we all groaned as he passed the papers out.

"And once you finish bring them up to me and the rest of the time is for you all to socialize!"

Since I didn't pay attention to who sat behind or in front of me, I was caught off guard seeing Jake in the same class and at the fact he'd chosen to sit behind me

"Hey Odette." He greeted nervously as he passed the papers back

"Hello Jacob." I flatly greeted

then I ignored him

"Psst, hey Odette." I heard someone say from behind me

I turned around and smiled as I saw Embry sitting next to me.

"Hey Embry!" I excitedly greeted him

After I finished filling my papers out Embry took them up front and class continued with me talking to Embry.

Nick on the bottom

Nick on the bottom

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