Chapter 20

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Well hello all!!! This chapter is intense....she makes her decision.... Who's it going to be? Paul? Or Jacob? Read and find out!!

Third person:

The two men waited anxiously to see who would end up with the beautiful woman before them.

Would it be Paul? The angry yet soft hearted hot head? Or would it be Jacob? The one who'd broken her heart many times, but was the soft hearted man Odette once loved?

Odette felt like crying she wanted to just run away. She didn't know who she wanted to be with, she loved them both in different ways.

Suddenly a tall brow haired male strongly built came out from the woods directed behind the three.

He suddenly spoke "Both of you go home." The tall male said with full authority

"No we need to know her answer." Paul angrily growled

The brown haired male glared at the Native American hatefully "You're putting too much pressure on her!' He growled back

"This doesn't concern you Kingston!" Jacob yelled finally revealing the identity of the tall brown haired male

"It does when it involves my little sister!" Kingston yelled as he walked over and embraced his confused and whimpering sister.

"Come on Odette, I'm taking you home." He said softly as he kissed her forehead lovingly

"Odette." The two men called

Odette stopped and looked at them "Give me time, I'll tell you my decision soon." She pleaded as her brother ushered her into the dark woods.

They watched her figure disappear, they then proceeded to look at each other and glare hatefully. Both shifted and ran in the opposite direction from one another, Jacob to go speak to his father and receive guidance an Paul to go hide in the wooded area near his loves bedroom.

Authors note: heheh eh I know you all hate me for not revealing who she's picking!! Just read chapter 21 to find out :)

Who's it going to be? (A Jacob and Paul love story)Where stories live. Discover now