chapter 8

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Once I shifted back I put on some basketball shorts and t-shirt, I was at Bella's house when I noticed a familiar silver Volvo. He better not be back, please don't let it be him! My question was answered when a smiling Bella stepped out of her house with the leech holding her hand. Once she saw me Bella came over to me and hugged me.

"Hey Jake." she said softly

"Hey Bells." I said while embracing her tightly

"Jacob." Edward greeted me with a curt nod

I ignored him and turned to Bella "What's going on Bella?"

"Um, Edward and the rest of the Cullen's are back." she said happily

After those words came out of her mouth I felt my hands turn into tight fists, and my jaw clenched and unclenched.

"Oh." I said flatly

"Yes my family and I realized we made a mistake in leaving Bella, and I realized that I would never be able to forget or stop loving her." Edward explained Cooley

I turned away from the leech and breathed in and out, then I talked to Bella while having my back to them.

"Bella can I talk to you privately?" I asked her

I could feel her hesitate for a moment so I turned back around to face them. She looked at Edward before nodding her head, we walked out into the woods behind her house. I had my back to her trying to once again control my breathing and my fast beating heart. We stopped when we came to the area where Sam had found her when her leech had abandoned her.

"Jake." Bella said hesitating a little

I turned around "Please tell me you're not back with him- after how broken he left you!" I hissed

Bella glared at me "I love him Jacob."

"NO!!!" I yelled

She took a few steps back afraid of what I might do, I turned back around and breathed in and out before I spoke.

"You didn't even give me a chance to show you and prove to you how much I love you, didn't give yourself a chance to fall for me!" I yelled

"Jacob you don't love me and I can never love you like I love Edward, I love him and only him." she said

I couldn't stand to look at her any longer, because of her I'd twisted my emotions around believing I only loved her. When she was only playing with me and my feelings. I grew angry as I recalled all the times I had broken Odette's heart. Odette, she loved me more then I deserved and I loved her but I became obsessed with wanting Bella to love me back.

"I've broken Odette's heart so many times just so I could tend to you every time that leech hurt you, when I was hurting the woman who loved me!" I yelled

Bella's face became contoured as she tried to figure out who I was talking about "Odette?" she asked confused

"Yes Odette." i sighed

"What does your friend Odette have to do with any of this Jacob?" she asked confused once again

"Odette wasn't just my friend Bella, she was my girlfriend, we were on and off because I'd dump her every time you needed me, and I've broken her heart because you always made me believe that we had a chance to be together."

"Jacob you are an idiot for breaking her heart and dumping her every time I needed you, so what did you just break up with her not even thinking about how she would feel?" she hissed angrily

" Every time you've broken my heart I go begging for her to take me back and she always does because she loves me, or at least loved me." I said sadly

"What do you mean loved Jake?" she asked curiously

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair "When Edward left you and you said you needed me, I was in a relationship for eight months with Odette, I loved her, but when you called me saying you needed me I-I ended the eight month relationship with her just so I could be with you!"

"And what does that mean to you now?" she asked

"Now I'm not sure I even really loved you like I thought I did, I'm not even sure he loves me anymore." I said sadly

Bella walked over to me and pressed her hand to my cheek "Jake do you love her?"

"Yes, and I realized it too late." I whispered

"If you love her fight for her and show her the Jacob she fell in love with." She encouraged me

"You don't get it Bella, I think I love you too, I'm just so fucking confused." I sighed frustrated

"Kiss me." she blurted out


"Kiss me." she said once again

So I leaned down and kissed her but all that went through my mind as I kissed the woman I supposedly loved was Odette. Her lips, her smile, and her eyes were all I saw. I realized I loved Odette and what I felt for Bella was a simple infatuation. When she pulled away I opened my eyes.

"So?" Bella asked eagerly

"All I thought about was her." I said with a smile

"I thought so, I know you love her I could tell by that day at Sam's house when you saw her with Paul, you just needed time to realize it and let it set in your head, now you know who you really love Jake."

I kissed her forehead "Thank you Bella, i have to go."

I shifted back into my wolf and began to run in search of my Odette, god it felt good to call her that. I love you Odette and I'm going to prove to you that you still can love me.

"BYE JAKE AND GOOD LUCK!" she shouted as I ran away from her

Who's it going to be? (A Jacob and Paul love story)Where stories live. Discover now