chapter 3

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"Come on Paul lets just go tell the guys about the beach ok." I said softly

"Fine." he huffed

Paul put his arm around my neck as we walked over to the house.

"Odette and Paul are here!!!" I heard Embry announce

Paul and me chuckled as we entered the house

"Thank you Embry for the announcement." Sam said

They all got up from the table shirtless as usual and knocked Paul out of the way so they could all hug me. Sam was the last to hug me, he was like another older brother.

"Hello Odette." Emily said in her soft voice

"Hi Emily!" I said waving

"So what are you doing here?" Quil asked

Sam and Paul growled at Quil's rudeness.

"Not that I don't like you coming over here or anything." Quil quickly said

"Relax guys, and well I wanted to know if you wanted to go hang out at the beach."

they all nodded and got up to go grab their stuff.

***At the beach***

"I'M SOLO I'M RIDIN SOLO!!!" Paul and me sang as we drove down to the beach


I laughed at his singing

"I'M SOLO I'M RIDIN SOLO!!!" I yelled

Paul and me laughed as we reached the beach.

"Oh god Odette remind me not to ever let you sing!" He said while laughing

I playfully slapped Paul

"shut up you're horrible at singing to!"

"Hey lovebirds shut up!!!" Embry yelled

I stuck my tongue out at Embry and Paul just went over and tackled him and they wrestled in the sand for a couple minutes.

"Ok, ok I give get off me Paul!" Embry yelled

I chuckled

"Yeah that's right who's the man!" Paul yelled

I went over towards Emily and Leah as they chatted.

"Hey guys."

"Hey." they both greeted

"So what's new?" Leah asked

"Nothing new with me." Said to Emily

Leah and I both rolled our eyes

"What there isn't" Emily argued

"Yeah and like we haven't noticed that little bump you have." I said

"What I don't know what you are talking about." she squeaked

"Spill it cousin." Leah said

"Ugh fine I'm pregnant." she said while smiling

Leah and I squealed

"Does Sam know yet?' I asked

"No not yet but I'm going to tell him soon." she said

we continued to chat about Emily's pregnancy then we got on the subject of Leah's imprint Cody.

"So how are you and Cody?" I asked

Leah broke out into a smile "We're good."

"Aww!" Emily said

"Shut up guys!" Leah said while playfully glaring at us.

"Anyway off of me and Cody lets get on the subject of you and Jacob Odette." Leah said

"Yeah how are you too?" Emily asked

" He broke up with me yesterday so there's nothing new." I said honestly

"Again!!!" Leah yelled

"God Jacob just doesn't know when to stop hurting you does he!!" Emily yelled

"Guys it's fine I'm over it." I said

 "Then when Bella dumps him again he's gonna come looking for you and you're going to take him back!" Leah yelled

I frowned "Whatever just drop it ok."

I got up and walked down the beach to stop thinking about what Leah and Emily said. Jacob always broke up with me when Bella needed him and I always took him back when she broke his heart. I couldn't help it I loved Jacob so much, and  always ended up getting hurt. But this time I was going to forget about him, I wasn't going to be there when Bella breaks his heart again.

Who's it going to be? (A Jacob and Paul love story)Where stories live. Discover now