chapter 13

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"Jacob calm down now!!" Sam yelled

"Aw is wittle Black still angry?" Paul mocked in anger

I growled "You stole Odette from me you bastard!!" I yelled at him

Paul began to shake in rage and I could feel myself doing the same.

"Paul step back now!" Sam shouted

Yet even if the other members tried to hold us back we still inched forward ready to fight.

"Now!!!" He yelled as Paul continued to ignore him

"I didn't steal her from you! You're the one that kept hurting her for your leech lover!" He hissed

I pushed past Nick who tried holding me back and got in Paul's face "And you jumped right at the opportunity didn't you!" I said shoving him

Paul growled "She doesn't want you anymore Jacob!" He yelled

I growled "Because you got your grimy hands on her you asshole, you knew she was mine!" I yelled

"She was never yours Jacob and your sure as hell made sure of that when you ended things!" He yelled back

I walked up to him and shoved him, he stumbled back and then punched me. We were fighting each other ready to rip each others throats out. I was going to punch Paul seeing as I was on top of him when I was yanked off him, I growled in annoyance.

"ENOUGH BOTH OF YOU!!" Sam yelled as he stood in the middle of us

"I love her Jacob, and not even you or anyone will take her away from me, she's mine!" He said roughly

I growled " I've never stopped loving her!" I yelled

"Shut up Jacob, you've never loved Odette, all she did was love you and all you ever did was break her heart, and when she's close to forgetting about you, you decide to come back and hurt her again by using her to forget Bella!" Leah yelled

I growled "Shut up Leah this doesn't concern you!"

"No Jacob it does concern me along with everyone else here, we all love Odette and we will not allow you to continue to hurt her!" She hissed

I looked around and everyone nodded their heads at Leah's words. I slumped in defeat

"I love her, I know that now It just-" I tried to finish but I was interrupted once again.

"That's nice that you've realized how much she means to you Jacob, but it's too late we've all seen how Odette is around Paul, face it bro she's moved on." Embry said

I growled and shifted into my wolf, I didn't want to lose Odette. I whimpered as I thought of her loving someone else especially if it's Paul! I ran away from the pack and ran into the woods, once I shifted I shot my head up and let out a painful howl. I needed to get away and in order to do that I kept running.


I was in the process of relaxing when I heard a tap on my window. I looked up and smelled at the sight of Paul at my window. I got up slid my window up smoothly, I stepped a side so Paul could jump into my room. He was wearing black sweatpants and was shirtless as usual.

"Hey." I greeted him with a smile

Paul didn't say anything, instead he kept quiet and looked like he was having an internal argument with himself. When he was finally decided with his internal debate he walked over to me causing me to step back and fall on to my bed. He got on the bed and straddled me. I looked at Paul's brown orbs as he gazed into my eyes.

"Paul." I said softly

He lowered his head and buried his face in the crook of my neck wrapping his strong tan arms around me, I gasped as I felt the heat of his body seep through my thin shirt.

"You are mine." Paul whispered in my ear

"I'll always be yours Paul." I said while kissing his neck.

He brought his face out from my neck and smashed his soft lips to mine, he got up on to his knees and picked me up causing me to wrap my legs around his naked torso. I moaned as he nibbled on my bottom lip asking for entrance. This kiss was different it was more rough and heated, like he was trying to prove something.

He broke away from my mouth so he could trail hot butterfly kisses against my neck and shoulder.

"I need you Odette." Paul said huskily

I grabbed his face so he would look at me "How do you need me Paul?" I asked him innocently

"Like this." He said while ripping my thin shirt off

I gasped "Paul!"

But he shut me up as he smashed his lips to mine once again.

"Shh, just let me do this please Odette." He begged

I simply nodded and allowed him to remove my shorts and panties. Paul chucked his pants off and threw them to the side. He laid me back and positioned himself in between my legs. 

He kissed me as he slid inside me I gasped at the tingling sensation of having him inside me. He didn't go slow instead he thrusted roughly and hard. I buried my face into the crook of his neck as I moaned. My hips matched his thrusts causing him to grunt. I wrapped my legs around him causing him to go deeper inside me.

With each thrust Paul sent me into an utter bliss. his pace never slowed down instead his pace quickened.

"Oh god!" I yelled as he thrusted

"Open your eyes Odette." He ordered

I ignored him it was impossible to keep my eyes open. Paul's pace slowed down, I whimpered and opened my eyes to protest.

"Open your eyes or I'll stop." He said huskily

I nodded my head and prayed he wouldn't stop.

"If I see your eyes closed I'll stop." He said with his voice dripping with lust

I whimpered and shook my head no. He brought his lips to mine as he picked up his pace again. I moaned into his mouth as he went faster. I racked my nails down Paul's back and smiled when he hissed in pleasure.

"Fuck Odette." He yelled as he thrusted

He kept thrusting and I felt my walls tighten around his shaft. I screamed as I climaxed, Paul slid out of me and  rolled over on to his back. I rolled over on to my side so my back was facing him. I panted as I tried to catch my breath. I gasped when I felt Paul put his arms around me and drag me over to him, so his chest was touching my back.

He trailed kisses over my back and up my neck "I love you so much Odette." he whispered as I felt my eyes droop

"Please don't leave me." I faintly heard him say before I fell asleep

Who's it going to be? (A Jacob and Paul love story)Where stories live. Discover now