chapter 17

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hey guys!!! thnx for your comments on the last chapter:)!!! anyways THIS CHAPTER WILL HAVE MATURE CONTENT!!!! BE WARNED!!!!! Anyways enjoy this chapter!!

one last thing???


leave me some comments of who's team you're on:)


He trailed passionate kisses down my neck causing my breathing to hitch a little.

"Paul-we-can't." I struggled to get out

He ignored me and continued kissing along my chest, on top of where my breast rose and fell as he hypnotized me with his lips.

"Paul-my parents-" He shut me up with a kiss so tender, it caused the both of us to moan

"Don't think Odette, just let yourself get lost in the pleasure I give to you." He whispered seductively

I nodded and allowed Paul to slide my shirt off, I didn't stop him when he stripped me until I was completely naked underneath him, he'd already stripped out of his pants and was naked on top of me as well. He brushed back a lose strand of my brown hair behind my ear.

"I tried to stop thinking of you Odette so hard, I wanted to, no I needed to stop thinking about you and making myself forget this love I have for you-" he paused "But I can't ever stop loving you Odette, I'm already too deep." He said before he thrusted inside of me causing my eyes to close.

I let out a soft moan as Paul continued to thrust at a slow pace, my legs tightened around his torso, he moaned my name as I dug my nails into his warm and sweaty flesh, "Paul." I moaned lowly making him to let out a husky and deep growl from his chest

My hands clutched the bedsheets in fistfuls, he grabbed my arms and held them above my head as he laced our fingers together. It felt so right making love with Paul, but I was utterly confused, my head told me to forget both of them and live on, my heart was set on allowing myself to love him.

I was interrupted out of my thoughts by Paul picking up the pace in his thrusts, Paul was no where finished. Perks to having sex with a werewolf, endless amounts of pleasure.

He moaned "Fuck, you feel so good."

I had to bite my lip hard enough to the point it drew blood to hold back the scream that wanted to come out. 

"I love you Odette." He said as he thrusted harshly

"You will always belong to me, you are mine!." He growled as he held himself up and held my legs around his waist as he continued on his assaults on my body.

My walls began began to tighten around Paul's shaft, I was so close. With one last thrust, I climaxed with a loud moan.

He rolled off me and placed soft kisses down my exposed stomach, he then rested his head on my naked stomach hugging me close to his body.

Paul didn't move and neither did I, instead I starred out the window. His breath tickled my exposed stomach. he began to trail his fingers up my body until he gently turned my face so I would look at him, his eyes showed vulnerability, passion, love, and hatred.

who did he hate?

He got off me and allowed me to wrap my bed sheet around my body, I walked to my bathroom and started my shower. Once I was under the warm water I closed my eyes and enjoyed the beating of the water. I jumped when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist, dragging me back to a very toned chest.

I could feel his lips on my wet skin "I love you." he said

I smiled it was beautiful, those words coming from Paul's lips "I love you too Paul-" I truly meant it but I wasn't completely sure if I only loved him "But I can't be with you." I said as I pushed away from him and shut the water off.

I dried myself off and grabbed my soccer materials, very much aware of Paul's angry eyes watching me "You love him don't you!" He hissed

I stopped and sighed "I don't know who I love Paul, whether it's you, him or no one at all, I just don't know!" I yelled as I placed my black jersey on over my head to start getting ready for the soccer game.

He stood in front of me and cupped my face "What did you feel when I made love to you Odette, you must feel something because every time I kiss you, your body breaks into goosebumps." he whispered

My body did do that but, it didn't mean anything.

"Can Jacob kiss you like this-" He said as he cupped my face and brought our lips close into a gentle passionate kiss that left me breathless "Can he touch you and make you wet like I can?" He said trailing kisses down my body.

I pushed away from him "Both you and Jacob hurt me Paul, and I trusted you to fill the hole in my broken heart, and you did but then you hurt me by saying you were just using me, I needed you Paul and what did you do? You did exactly what Jacob did, you promised you'd never hurt me!"

"Odette-" he began

"But you did Paul, really bad." at this point tears were cascading down my face.

I grabbed my bag and walked out of my room, going down the stairs to my awaiting family.

"Hey-honey ready to go?" dad asked

"Yeah dad." we walked out to his truck and drove to the school.

I heard a sorrow filled howl out in the distance come from a familiar wolf, my heart clenched at the sound.

AUTHORS NOOTE: tell me what you think

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