chapter 14

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A dedication to the person above 4 the beautiful cover for the story!!!♥


I woke up to someone trailing kisses up and down my body. I smiled as I recognized Paul's masculine scent.

"Mmm good morning." I said with a smile

"Morning beautiful." Paul said as he continued to trail kisses up my body

I giggled as he kissed my exposed tummy "Thank you for last night." He said seriously

I smiled and propped myself up and dragged him on top of me "You needed me and I wanted you to forget whatever it was that was bothering you." I said as I kissed his nose

"Do you love me?" He asked in a vulnerable voice

I gazed into his eyes before I answered "I'm getting there Paul I promise."

"So you don't love Jacob anymore?"

I froze as he asked me that, I still wasn't sure what my feelings towards Jacob were but I did want to forget about him completely.

"Why would you ask me that Paul?" I said coolly

"Because Jacob left." He said waiting for my reaction

I swallowed the lump forming in my throat, Jacob was gone?

"Oh." I said trying to sound uninterested when I really wanted to ask him how or where Jacob had gone?

"He left last night, Sam just told us all through the pack link while you were sleeping last night."

I pushed Paul off me and wrapped my duvet covers around me "Is that why you came over last night Paul?" I hissed

Something was telling me Paul only came over and had sex with me because he had a feeling Jacob was gone and he wanted to prove a point to himself!

"What're you talking about Odette?!" He hissed back

I got off my bed and walked past him, but he grabbed on to my arm and dragged me to stand in front of him harshly.

"Where are you going?" He hissed

I yanked my arm away from him and glared at him "To go see how Rachel and Billy are." I hissed

He grabbed me by the shoulders roughly "Why?"

"Paul let go of me you're hurting me.' I winced as his hold on me got tighter

"I asked you a question Odette!" He said angrily

"And I already told you why!" I spat

Paul shoved me to the ground roughly and glared at me. He paced back and forth in front of me.

"I should've known you were only using me, I mean I know I was, I just wanted to get a taste of that sweet little ass of yours, and boy you sure did quickly open your legs to me." He hissed and chuckled a cruel laugh

I felt a tear fall down my cheek as Paul said those harsh words. I got up and faced Paul, and then I slapped him and then once again slapped him.

"Get out, I never want to see you again Paul Lahote!" I said as I stormed past him to go into my bathroom

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"Get out, I never want to see you again Paul Lahote!" I said as I stormed past him to go into my bathroom. I slammed the door and locked it, I slid down the door until I hit the ground. I brought my knees up to my chest and buried my face in my knees.

I heard banging against the door and winced as Paul spoke "Odette baby I'm sorry I didn't mean any of those things I said, Please open the door please." He said with what sounded like a sob

I ignored him and just waited until his pleading stopped. I sighed in content as i heard my window being opened and then closed I could hear the thump as Paul landed on the ground.

I got my sorry ass of the ground and took a shower, I needed to see how Billy and Jacob's sister were doing. Once I got out of the shower I got into a pair of blue jeans and a black tank top with my hoodie and black vans. If i wanted to get some anger out I needed to burn some stuff. I grabbed a box from my closet and threw all of the pictures, clothes and teddy bears Paul had given me. I stormed downstairs and didn't take a glance at my family as they saw me grab matches.

I could hear their whispers as I went to the cliffs near by our house, once I was content with where I was I poured gasoline on everything in the box and struck a match against the match box. Without a single bit of remorse or hesitation I let the match fall into the box and watched how the fire burned everything in the box. I walked away once the fire was put out and grabbed everything and threw it into our trash bin outside.

I walked inside to see three faces looking at me worried.

"Odette honey are you OK?" Maria asked me

"Mmm I'm fine." I said while pouring myself a cup of orange juice

"Um did you guys hear anything last night or this morning?" I asked casually

They all looked at each other confused and faced me once again and shook their heads "No"

"Honey are you really Ok?" My father asked seriously

I nodded "Dad I'm fine I promise." I said while kissing his cheek in reassurance.

I then left the kitchen and headed upstairs to my room to grab my phone and house keys. I was stopped by my brother's stern and suspicious face.

"Hey Kingston what's up?" I said casually

"I heard what Paul said to you this morning, and don't deny it Odette, I heard it by accident when I was passing your room casually." He said with a bit of harshness

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose in annoyance "Just drop it King, I'm over it Paul and I were never actually together so it's fine." I said softly

Kingston came over to me and enfolded me into a tight brotherly embrace "Your a strong person you know that Odette." He said while sighing

I stepped back and kissed his cheek "I didn't know that but now I know thanks bro.' I said while walking past him.

"Dad I'm going over to the Blacks." I told him

"Why what's wrong?" He said while setting down his coffee cup on the island.

"Jacob's gone, Sam told the pack that he left last night."

He frowned "Then I should head over there with you to see how Billy's doing." I simply nodded and we set over to the Blacks on foot.

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