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(A/N): Hey guys, Lauren here! Just like to start of by saying this story is based of off Behind the Mask  by Hazelsaur705, so go check out Behind the Mask. If it wasn't for that amazing book i probably wouldnt have thought of this one so i give Hazel full credit for the idea. Also I did ask permisson to write the story and i got it so heres the prologe!

-3rd POV-

This isnt your typical love story, like you would see in the movies with a prince and princess sometimes the prince would fall in love with a peasent. This story isnt like that. This story is about two rival gangs and lies. Heres how it all started:

-Lauren's POV-

My names Lauren Emily Burns, currently im 16 years old. I love to play my voilion and listen to music as well as play games with my older brother Michael Burns. All his friends and I call him Burnie. He is 18 years old. He and his friends, Joel, Gus, and Matt and are currently out doing god knows what. They are all like family though, they have been friends since before i was born, so my brother says. They should achtually Burnie just got home.

"Hey Lauren, what did you make for dinner?" Burnie asked walking in the house. He use to ask what mom is making but our parents last year ago. We were allowed to stay in the house because the morage on it was payed off, the bills arent that expensive, and Burnie was going to be 18 in a few months.


"Cool, here. I got you this." Burnie said handing me a small box that looks as if it contains jewalry.

I opened the box to find a necklace. Its a trouble cleff that has blue stones on it. A trouble cleff is related to music, there at least three that i know of but i only know the names of two, bass and trouble. "I love it! Thank you Burnie! Best older brother ever!" I said hugging him.

"Your welcome Lauren its the least i can do for you." Burnie said returning the hug.

After dinner we were sitting on the couch.

"Hey Lauren..what would you say if I made a gang with Joel, Gus and Matt?"

"One that kills and steals shit?"


"I want in. Im not letting you or any of my other 'brothers' get hurt."

"I dont know about that Lauren.."

"Let me join or ill tell you boss, the head of the police department. If you ever want to climb the ranks and get that job you will have to."

"Fine. Welcome tol the Rooster."

-3rd POV-

Thats how the Roosters begain. Few years later once Lauren gradutated all the rooster put money - money they stole and made on there own - and but a café. In the back there is a basement where all the organizing of missions take place.Lauren usally runs the store and monitors things from base when they got out on missions because Burnie doesnt like her going out and possibly getting hurt.

The Roosters grow a little as well. Lauren's friends Clare, Meg and Emma joined as well. There use to be a man named Geoff Ramsey as well, Lauren and her friends never had interation with him or really know what he looks like. Thats because he left the gang after being in it for alittle under a year. He started the Fake AH Crew. The rival gang to the Roosters.

Thats how it begain and heres the story.

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