Chapter 4

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-Lauren's POV-

The next day i got up at usual time to go to the cafe. I carefully climbed out of bed doing my best to not wake Ryan. I showered, ate and left Ryan a note telling him were i was going and that I would met him home later. 

When i got to the cafe, Gus, Joel, Matt and Burnie were there already starting to open. 

"Lauren, there you are I was worried!" Burnie said. 

"Sorry about just moving out like that. I was going to leave a note but i didn't have time to write one. I have been thinking about it for a while and i just couldn't deal with living with bunch of boys anymore."  I said.

"Men." Gus said correcting me.

"Noooo.... boys. Now get to work." 

"Lauren, you coming tonight right?" Burnie said.

"What's today again? I have yet to look at a calendar."

"March 21st.." The day my parents passed away....

"Oh. Ill get the flowers this year.."

"Alright, I need to get to work. Ill met you there, at 5 than we can get dinner."

The day is going by like normal. Meg, Clare, and Emma came in at the normal time. Ryan should be here soon to get coffee and muffins for the guys.

Speak of the devil..

"Hey Emily." I told him to call me Emily in the cafe. "You alright?"

"Hey James. Yeah, I'm fine. I'm going to be home late.. going to visit my parents."

"You know you can't." Ryan said in a whisper to not draw attention.

"I'm going to visit my parents..they're uhmm gone..."

"Oh, alright. Ill see you when you get home than."

"Alright. Here's every thing." I said giving him his order. "Emma, cover for me."


I walked out with Ryan, he put the muffins and coffee in the car and gave me hug.

"Want me to come with you?"

"No, I may run into my brother there. Don't worry I wont say anything."

"Alright. I love you, I'll see you at home."

"I love you too Ryan."

We kissed and than he left and I went inside.


The girls and I just finished locking up the store. We are going to the AH base/liquor store before I leave for the cemetery.

We walked into the liquor store and then down stairs into the base of The Fake AH Crew.

"Hey. Early today." Jack said.

"Clare, these are for you." Michael said getting up and handing flowers to Clare. "And uh Lauren, this is for your parents." He than handed me two roses. "One is for their anniversary and the other is for well.. there uh... death..."

"Thank you. Michael, they always liked you. I remember them saying that you were like a son to them. I wonder what they would think if they knew what we do now."

"Let's not think of that. Just celebrate their life."

"I will. Thanks again Michael."

"Alright, girls. Today, we are teaching you how to use a sniper rifle."

"Already know how to use one. I have to go soon. Visiting parents grave.." I said sitting on the couch and laying my head on Ryan's lap, he ran his fingers through my hair.

"Your going to come train, if you like it or not."  Geoff said grinding his teeth together.

"No.. I have to go now. I'll see you when I get home Ryan. I love you." I kissed Ryan than left.


'Mr. and Mrs. Burns'

That's what the stone reads. I sit in front front of it as I cry, soon i feel my brothers arms wrap around me, i lean into his embrace, I could tell he is crying to.

"Its alright Lauren. They are watching over us, protecting us." Burnie says.

"But are they proud of what we have become? We have stolen, we have even killed. Would they be happy we are criminals?"

"I don't know. That's something we can ask them the next time we see them. No one lives forever."

"You wont ever leave me right? You'll stay no matter what?"

"Of course. I won't your my little sister. I love you."

"I love you too Burnie."

"Come on, lets get some dinner."


Burnie and I got dinner and all was well. After Burnie, the rest of the roosters - yes that includes Clare, Emma and Meg - and i went on a heist. Than i went home and layed in my loving boyfriend's arms until i feel sleep.

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