The making up

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Standing outside Jacob's dorm room, there was a million feelings swirling around in my body. But there was only one thought in my head. What if he doesn't want to be friends again. A couple of guys walked past me and locked themselves into their dorm a bit further down the hall. I realized I had been standing long enough like a fool looking at the three numbers on his door. 253. Taking a deep breath I raised my hand and knocked at the door. Holding my breath, I tried to listen to figure out if there was anyone on the other side of the door. By everything I remember from his class-schedule, he is supposed to be done for the day. But he could have made new friends and was out having fun. I mean of course he has made new friends. Not everyone is like me and can't make friends.

There was no answer at the door. As I was ready to turn around and walk away, I thought I might have heard a sound. I took out the last of my courage and knocked one more time. Okey, now I definitely heard footsteps.Bracing myself, I took another deep breath. Holding it. The door flew open, and there he was standing. His blond hair, partly messy, just like always. His round kind face with matching green eyes looked right at me. For the first time in a long time, I couldn't quite read his expression. Was he happy to see me? Or maybe he wanted me to leave.

«Jo» Jacob said surprised, but he smiled. His kind eyes meet mine. At least surprise doesn't have to be a bad thing. But it could be.

«Hi» Letting the air in my lungs out, gave me a very high, awkward squeaky voice. I gave him a nervous smile while I stood there like an idiot.

«Come in» Jacob opened the door wider. I slowly walked inside. Looking around I noticed that the room hadn't changed a bit. That pleased me to see. I stopped in the middle of his side of the room. Jacob closed the door behind me and turned to face me. I was too nervous to look at him, so I looked down onto my shoes. Realizing I had though so long about talking with Jacob without thinking about what to say when I actually saw him. «Why are you nervous». I was surprised that Jacob saw it, but I don't really know why. He could always see when something bothered me.

«How did you know» I looked up at him. Locking eyes.

«You are fiddling with your ring» Jacob pointed at my hand. I hadn't realized I was doing it. It was just a reflex when I was nervous, and I didn't know where to put my hands.

«Oh right» I looked down on my fingers and put them into the pockets of my jacket. There was a moment of silence. Come on Jo. Say something to him. He is one of the most important people in your life. Do as grandpa say. Fight for him. I took a deep breath. «I miss you» I blurted out before I had a chance to think it through.

Jacob's kind smile grew bigger. «I miss you too». Hearing those words made my eyes fill with water. Trying not to cry, I moved my eyes from his gaze and around the room.

«Be my friend again» My voice was now shaking. Almost at the breaking point.

«What, not your best friend? » Jacob grinned at me. My heart skipped a beat.

«Wait what? Really! » I looked at him. He nodded and took a step towards me. «Are you sure you really want to? »

«Come on Jo. Why wouldn't I? »

«Well, we had a fight and haven't seen each other since».

«Friends have fights, but you disappeared. I felt like you didn't want to make up». It was with that comment I realized how wrong I had gotten it. I had stayed away too, feeling like he didn't like me anymore. Now I understood that I could have fixed this way sooner. But better late than never. I was never going to let anything ruin this again.

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