The morning after

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Opening my eyes was a hard thing to do. Moving my head hurt even more. It took a few minutes before I was able to sit up in the bed. My head was pounding, and I felt disoriented. Then I looked to the left and saw Jacob sitting in Ella's bed.

            «Good morning party girl» Jacob looked up from his book and gave me a crocked smile. «Aspirin and water to your left»

            «Thanks» I rubbed my eyes but tried not to move that much.

            «So, how is your first hangover? »

            «It's not my first, but it's been a while and it is not good. » Slowly I grabbed the aspirin bottle.

            «So, what happened last night with Liam? » Jacob asked when I had taken swallowed the pill.

            «We got separated»

            «He left you? »

            «No, I went to the bathroom and when I got back, I couldn't find him»

            «So, he left you» Jacob said irritated.

            «It's not like that. I'm sure he was there, but I was starting to get a little drunk so I decided to go home while I could. »

            «How is it not like that Jo? He should have waited for you» Jacob raised his voice.

            «Relax Jacob» I said in a low voice. Trying to get him to lower his. «It's my own fault that I got so drunk and had to go to the bathroom» I picked up my phone. It had a text from Liam responding to my text about going home and asking if I was okey. It was also an unanswered call from him.

            «He didn't come by. Did he at least call you? »

            «Yes, he did. Now stop judging Liam» I scowled over at him.

            «Fine» Jacob raised his hand in defeat.

            «Good. » I could feel that the aspirin had kicked in. «I'm going to go take a shower. You'll be here when I'm done, right? »

            «Sure» Jacob smiled and then looked back down to his book.

Turning the shower off, I could hear Jacob talking, but not what he was saying. I assumed he was talking on the phone. As I dried myself as his voice rose. When I was putting on my underwear, I suddenly heard Liam's voice as well, and then my name. Now it sounded like a heated argument. I threw on a t-shirt and ripped the door open.

            «What's going on here? » I said and scanned both of their faces.

            «Ehh nothing. We were just talking» Liam answered. I really didn't believe them and scowled at them both. They were standing in the middle of the floor, and they both looked tense. «Please put on some clothes and then we can talk»

            «Oh please, it's not like either of you haven't seen this before» I crossed my arms.

            «Please Jo» Liam pleaded.

            «Fine» I agreed and walked towards my wardrobe. On my way across the room, I decided to separate the two of them so instead of walking around them, I walked between them. That forced both of them to take a step back.

            «Better? » I asked looking at Liam when I had put on a pair of jeans.

            «Yes» He smiled. I sat down on my bed.

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