UA Test (Part 2)

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"Izuku!" I scream as I run to Izuku. I flinch at my own voice but I keep on running. He is falling way too fast for me to catch him. I want to try still. I run over to him and I almost catch him. I look at him with horror as I missed him. I notice that some things are floating. The girl! She touched Izuku and he started to float and she got tired and released everything. I was able to safely grab Izuku while I examine all of his injuries. He too badly hurt and I hold Izuku. Everyone is staring at us. I ignore them and I hear someone for everyone to go home. I stay by Izuku and I watch as Recovery Girl comes over to us. She says something about how Izuku and his quirk don't match up. She then goes over and tell me to put Izuku down. I obey. She then goes over and kisses him. I just stare in shock and then look at Izuku who's injured arm and legs began to heal. I thanked her a million times and I took Izuku home. I called Mom and I could tell she was in tears.

"Mom! Don't cry! Izuku's fine! Recovery Girl helped him and he's going to be fine! Can you please pick him up though so I don't have to carry Izuku home?" I ask. I could already hear her car door slam and I knew she was on her way. She told me she would be there right away. I chuckled and hung up the phone. I picked up my big idiot and I sat him down on one of the benches near the road. I sat next to him and put his head on my shoulder so he would be comfortable. Mom came and I put him in the car and told Mom I was going to go over to Akari's place. 

"Alright, make sure you get home by 9." Mom told me worriedly.

"I'll be alright Mom. If I have to stay longer than that, I'll text you. Ok?" I tell her. She nods her head and drives off with Izuku laying down in the backseat. I text Mina and ask if she's free. 

"I am free for you to be over right now, so if you do want to then yeah." She says with her usual pipy self. I thank her and I tell her I'll be over soon. I run to her place and knock at her door. She opened the door and said hello inviting me in.

"Wait! Before you come in, take out any sweets you have!" A tired Akari says behind the regular Akari. Her quirk is that she can turn into many different people, the only side affect is that it's her emotions and whatever she's feeling at the moment she makes them, that is the duplicate that will be made.

"I don't have any." I say raising my hands. "But if you really want sweets I can go buy some!" 

"NO!" Shouted regular and tired Akari at the same time at the same time making me jump.

"Sorry!" Apologized Reg. Akari. I picked myself up with tired Akari's help.

"Its alright. Don't worry about it!" I say dusting of all the dirt. Reg. Akari lets me in and we talk. We talk about how nerve wracking the test was since she was watching. Akari was talking about how well they thought other contestants did then compared how they think I did.

"How do you think you did Y/N?" She asked me.

"I think I did well in the written part but I didn't get a single robot." I say sadly. She looks at me and said things like "it's alright! Maybe the written was just enough!" And "It will be ok! We will never break up the band if you do or don't get in." The little things like that made me smile.

"You guys always make me smile when I'm down." I say.

"You wanna know what would make it better?" Asked Mina.

"A Dance Battle!" Akari shouted.
"A Karaoke Battle!" Shouted the excited Akari that Reg. Akari made by accident.
"A Talent Show!" I yell.

We all shouted at the same time and stared at each other for a solid 3 minutes. We all agreed that we would do a talent show of us dancing and singing our favorite song.

"Hold on. We need to pick now so we won't pick the same song. Everyone say their song in 3...2...1!" Akari shouted as she put back the duplicate. I already knew my song.

"The Liv and Maddie Theme song!" We all shouted at the same time. We laughed and we decided we couldn't choose a song from Liv and Maddie. Correction, I said it and Akari groaned but agreed. Akari choose Rock and Roll by Avril Lavigne. Her performance was amazing and she rocked the rock and roll out of the park. Her brother came in and chose Starships (can't remember the name of the artist). He was amazing and his voice was beautiful but his dancing was so much fun to watch! I chose to sing Chosen Last by Sarah Kays. I played my ukelele that I kept at Mina's since I kept forgetting it. At the end of mine, Akari hugged me and I smiled. I look at the time and it was 30 minutes past I was supposed to be home!

"I have to go now!" I yell scared.

"Ok. Make sure Ms. Midoriya is ok!" Akari yelled as I packed my things.

"Yeah. You better call her and make sure that she isn't sending a search party for you!" Her brother shouted as I headed for the door. I nod my head and I call Mom immediately. She picked up and was grateful I was ok. This is how overprotective she is. I get home and she gives me dinner and I go to bed. Izuku is still asleep and he's in bed so I quickly and quietly put on my PJs and go to bed. When I woke up, I smelled pancakes and sausage and I knew that Izuku was awake and alright because only ZuZu made pancakes and sausage. I walked up and go to the table where ZuZu was already handing me breakfast. I thank him and I go on my usual run.

-One week later-

I can tell Izuku is still sad about what happened because he was staring and smiling aimlessly at the fish Mom made. I was sad but I'm not acting weird. Then again, I didn't break most of the bones in my body. It was very clear Mom was worried for Izuku as well. He said he was ok and apologized. He sat down on the couch completely zoned out. I have him a hug to try and make him tell me what's on his mind. He just stared zoned out so I turn on a movie.

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