School At Last

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The night when we got our letter, Izuku left and said he had errands. I laid down on the couch tired. I must've fallen asleep on the couch because I was on the couch in a blanket. I wake up and I call Jirou. 

"Y/N? Why are you calling so early?" She asks groggily. 

"It isn't early..." I say as I check the time. It was 4:30 am! I immediately apologized and Jirou laughed it off. I hear her sit up in her bed.

"Hey, wanna go out for something to eat? I just realized I never woke up for my midnight snack and I'm starving." She asks. I agree and I get into a cute plaid shirt and black jeans. I walk out leaving a note telling Mom wher eI was if she woke up while I was gone and I left. Jirou and I agreed to go to the hot chocolate 5 blocks away. I got hot chocolate and Jirou got some as well with some katsudon she bought at the restaurant right next to it. Mina soon came over and Jirou explained that Mina called her soon after we talked. I was glad we were together one more time before school. 

"Did you guys get in Yuuei?" I ask.

"Yep!" Mina and Jirou yelled.

"Did you, Y/N?!" Jirou asked.

"Yep! I hope we are in the same class!" I say happily.

"Oh. my. gosh. That would be so fun!" Mina said practically dancing in her seat. Jirou and I laughed. We talked about what we would do and how much fun we would have. 

"Hey Y/N, when are you going to start using your quirk? You can't always hide it if you do have one." Mina asked. I looked down because that was a sensitive topic for me.

"Don't say that! She does have a quirk and she will show it when she is ready!" Jirou whispered at her. I silently gave Jirou a thank you look and she said your welcome with her eyes. We soon said our goodbyes since the sun was starting to rise. We all said we would me the night after the first day of school if we weren't in the same class. We ran off home and I went to the couch and ate some leftover pancakes since I never ordered any breakfast. Mom woke up and I made her breakfast. School came slowly and every day felt like it was already a week. 

Time Skip

Izuku and I were already late and we were running around the whole house grabbing last minute items. 

"Izuku! Y/N?! Did you pack tissues?!"

"Yes Mom! I got them!" I yell.

"Did you remember your hanky's?! You can't leave without them!" She yelled. 

"Yes! I grabbed them!" Izuku yelled back. "Come on Y/N! We have to go now!" 

"Y/N, Izuku! Wait!"

"What is it Mom?" I ask.

"I just want both of you to know that you guys are awesome." She said smiling at her feet. I quickly run up to her and give her a final hug. Izuku stands smiling at us in the doorway. 

"Alright ZuZu! Let's go!" I say giving a final goodbye to Mom.

"See you soon Mom!" Izuku said as I ran out and he closed the door. Izuku and I both got 1-A. 

"This place is way too big!" Izuku said as he ran. We finally found the room and the door was huge! "If Kacchan and the blue haired guy we saw gets in 1-B, I'll be eternally grateful." He said.

"Don't put your legs on the desk! Don't you think that's disrespectful to the school?!" Yelled someone. 

"No, as a matter of fact, I don't think so! Which Middle school are you from anyways you Extra! " Yelled Bakugo.

"Y-you s-spoke way too s-soon, ZuZu." I say scared for my life. We walk in. 

"I'm from a private sch- Ahem, I'm from Soomei Junior High. My name is Tenya Iida." He said.

"Soomei huh?! Well aren't you an Elite?! Seems I have a reason to kill you after all!" Bakugo yelled making me shiver.

"What nerve! And you want to be a hero?!" Iida said shocked. He noticed me and Izuku and I just almost jumped out of my skin when he introduced himself.

"Oh yeah... I overheard, I'm Midoriya and this is my sister Y/N." Izuku said pushing me out of the doorway. 

"N-nice to m-meet y-you." I say shaking like a maraca. 

"He ignored me and went to Izuku talking about the rescue points. I sighed in relief. I hear Bakugo mutter "Deku and Stutter" since those were our nicknames from Bakugo. 

"Oh! Curly hair! Nice girl! I'm so happy I found you!" She says excited. I just chuckle at my nickname from her. "You made it just like Present Mic said! Way to go! By the way, that punch was awesome!

"No no it was all thanks to you talking to the judges on my behalf." Izuku said Bowing. 

"How did you know that?!" She asked. I was thankful that Izuku was talking for me or I'd be a stuttering mess. I felt Bakugos eyes on me but I tried my best to ignore it. 


"G-Guys! S-stop it!" I yell

"What dirty trick did you do to pass the exam jerkheel!" Bakugo kept yelling and I couldn't take it. But he was hurting Izuku! I screamed and hurt my ears but Bakugo dropped Izuku. He hit me and it took everything to not cry. 

"You can't stop us! We are headed to Yuuei whether you like it or not Kacchan!" Izuku yelled. 

End Flashback

Izuku was still talking so I just stood by him. I then saw Mina and Jirou!

"H-hey g-guys!!" I say as I walk over to them. 

"Y/N!" Mina and Jirou almost made me fall over when they gave me a hug. Suddenly, everything got quiet and there was a large yellow snail on the ground.

"Took you guys 8 seconds to shut up." He said. Everyone was just staring. He introduced himself as Aizawa and our teacher. He told us to get into uniforms. He took us outside and said we would be doing a quirk assessment. The girl pointed out orientation and Aizawa said since we were his class, he was able to choose what and what not he wanted to do. He grabbed Bakugo and asked him how far he could throw a ball without his quirk. He said 68 and Aizawa told him to use his quirk and he yelled Die. I yelled and jumped behind Jirou, Mina, and Izuku who agreed to stand next to me. That caught the attention of Aizawa and he looked at me with shock for half a second then went back to his resting face.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"I-its Y/N, s-sir." I respond. He nodded his head with pain in his eyes for a minute, then went back to the class. I dragged myself back to where I was at standing. Bakugo smirked at me and muttered scaredy-cat.

"I-I like c-cats. So t-thank you." I say. Bakugo scowls and stands back in the crowd. After Bakugo went, some people commented on how fun that looked and Aizawa looked at us menacingly.

"So your here for a jolly good time huh? Then how about whoever has the lowest score, gets expelled immediately." We look in terror at our Sensei. What am I supposed to do? My friend put their hands on my shoulders and it gave me courage. I would try my best for my friends! I knew that they would do the exact same for me. I smiled at Izuku and I am 100% sure he will do whatever to just stay in Yuuei and for everyone.

Hello Everyone! Do you think these are long, short, or just the right length? See you later and I hope you have a very good day/night!
Word Count: 1318 Words

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