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(Save me...)

It was the day we were going on a field trip! I didn't know where we were going because I wasnt listening. I got dressed in my outfit. (I "drew" it but the art work still goes to the original artist! Here you go!)

Deku came out of the changing room with his gym clothes on and Ururaka asked why.

"My costume was tattered from the battle and so the support teams are already making repairs." He explained. The bus came and Iida tried to get us in lines of 2, but it was one of the buses that have the seats facing each other, so there wasn't really a point. I got squished in between Mina and Denki and I was sitting across from Kirishima. I waved to him as Mina and Denki started yelling so I plugged my ears. Tsu started talking to me and everyone quieted down.

"Hey Midoriya, Y/N. I always speak my mind no matter what I'm thinking. Y/N, your quirk reminds me of Present Mic, and Midoriyas reminds me of All Mights." Tsu said as she pointed at us as she talked to us. Izuku got really nervous and I look in worry. 

"T-That s-s-s-so? B-but mine is n-nothing like..." Izuku stuttered. I look at him in worry. He almost never stutters! At least when he isn't around me.

"Wait a minute Asui, All Might never gets hurt and that's where the likeness ends! I all honesty, I'm kinda jealous of that kind of simple enhancement quirk. There's a lot you can do with one flashy too!" Kirishima exclaimed. I'm glad my quirk wasn't being talked about, but now that I think about it, it does seem like an enhanced quirk of Present Mics. "My Hardening Quirk isn't bad for punches but I hate that it isn't as flashy." Kirishima continued.

"Don't say that Kirishima! Your quirk is amazing whether it's flashy or not!" I say. Everyone stares at me but I don't care. I was standing up for my friend and I wasn't going to have him talk badly about himself. I stare in wonder as Kirishima covers his face. "Are you ok Kirishima?" I ask him.

"Pros? But you know heroics has a lot about it's more than just a popularity contest right?!" Someone asked. 

"My navel laser is both flashy and strong enough for the pro level." Aoyama asked as he asked for my seat since his stomach was hurting. I nodded and he took my spot. 

"But it would be bad if your stomach collapsed!" Mina exclaimed. 

"If we are going to talk about double whammy of flashy, we have to include Bakugo and Todoroki!" Someone shouted. Bakugo made his like tch of annoyance.

"Bakugo it's always fuming so he won't be super popular." Tsuyu exclaimed. I sigh and plug my ears and pray silently that Bakugo won't kill her.

"You jerk! I'll be the most popular out of all you extras!" Bakugo screamed. It was still loud with my ears covered. I felt bad for Jirou since she had to be right next to him. She was looking at him like he had just gone rabid. Tsuyu just shrugged and made her ribbit.

"It's only been a brief while since our socialization has commenced and yet already we've been made apodically cognizant of your personality redolant as is of a turd getting steamed in water." Denki explained. (I know that this part is strange, but I think it's one of the smartest sentences Denki has ever said.) I slightly laugh.

"What is that Vocabulary?! And why are you laughing Y/N?! I'll kill you both!" Ochako was laughing at them and Momo was looking disgracefully at them. Aizawa tells us to shut up and I sit in silence until Aoyama asks if he could sit where I was sitting since his stomach was hurting and I nod my head. As he sat down, the bus starts moving and I fall down. Kirishima catches me super quick and helps me up. I thank him and I start looking for a new seat and I look around the bus but I don't see any other seats. Kirishima notices this and he immediately stands up.

"Take my seat Y/N so your feet don't hurt. I'll stand." Kirishima told me. We got in a squabble of who should sit in the seat and we both fell at the stop, but catching each other. I heard a picture bring taken, but I didn't see anyone with a phone. We agreed that we would both sit, but I had to sit on his lap. Izuku glared at him and I didn't understand. What was wrong with sitting on my friends lap? The journey there was peaceful and I must've fell asleep. Kirishima woke me up gently and I realized that I fell asleep on his lap. I apologized immediately and some people were curious, some were glaring, and some were taking pictures. I blushed in embarrassment and Kirishima did as well. I got off of him as I realized I was still on him. Kirishima was hiding his face again and I was super embarrassed.

We're all were meet by the pro hero Thirteen in her spacesuit looking costume.  She talked about her quirk and how it could easily kill people. She went on to say that our quirks could do the same.

"Our job is to save people, not harm." 13 explained. I nod my head, but then I remember the incident at the work test. As I'm thinking I see something in the middle of the courtyard.

"I-I'm so s-sorry to i-interrupt Mr Aizawa, b-but I thought you should know, there's s-something b-black down t-there." I stutter as I point to the black circle. I see a hand come out of it and I back up. I look in terror as the face of a man covered in hands and bloodshot eyes appears out of the portal. Soon, the portal few super large and hundreds of not thousands of villains came running out of the portal. I want to run. This is rescue, not battle! I start hyperventilating and Izuku cartoons me down. I'm still terrified, but Izuku still stays next to me. 

"EVERYONE HUFFLE AND DONT MOVE! 13 GET PROTECT THE STUDENTS!" Aizawa yelled. I cover my ears at how loud he yelled and my legs collapsed. I had locked my legs in fear. Izuku and Kirishima help me up and I'm hyperventilating again. Everyone was backing up at the Villains. As everyone was talking and asking questions, Aizawa yelled again even louder and it hurt. "DONT MOVE! THOSE ARE VILLAINS!"

"Eraserhead, 13, According to the teachers curriculum we aquired recently, All Might should be here." The portal exclaimed sadly. His voice showed evil in every word he said but he sounded so formal. 

"I knew it, so yesterday was the doing of you louts." Aizawa muttered. I look at him and Izuku grabs my arm. I don't know if it was out of fear or protecting me.

"Where is he? We went through all this trouble and rustled up so many friends to come along. You can't tell me that All Might... The Symbol of Peace... isn't here!" Hands said wickedly. I scowled at a villain pretty much spitting on the shoe of someone that could easily beat him up. I walk up almost next to Aizawa but he hold his hands out and blocked me.

"Go back to your brother Problem Child number 2." Aizawa said to me and put a lot of emphasis into brother. I walk back unwillingly. Izuku scolded me and I said I was sorry. I never win against Izuku. Then we heard Hands again and I stared in horror. 

"Maybe he will show up if we kill the kids?" Hands said. Aizawa rushed into the bunch of Villains. Izuku's eyes widened and so did everyone else. 

Hi everyone! Thanks for reading my book! It means a lot to me about how many reads this has! You are all amazing! I am going to be taking a quick hiatus and I am going to be working on other books I have in my drafts!

I have a Haikyuu fanfic, A DekuVerse, and I am working on a HunterXHunter MHA fanfic crossover. Please tell me which one you would rather read and I will gladly post it as soon as I can!

Btw, I have good reason to believe that this is true and it's not just the looks!  I will tell you my reason when I post the crossover! 😏😜

Btw, I have good reason to believe that this is true and it's not just the looks!  I will tell you my reason when I post the crossover! 😏😜

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