Sports Festival (Part 2)

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"The Yuuei Sports Festival where the hero world's inchoate kids aim for each other's throats!- and the top!" Present Mic yelled. I was very grateful for Kirishima's earbuds. He called the freshmen aka us in.

"W-Woah, t-there's so m-many people." I said shaking when everyone was cheering for us. Izuku was scared too and it was easy to see.

"Can you draw out your best performance with so many eyes gazing at you from all directions?! This too is another link on the academy's grand hero training scheme. 

"Wow! They are really praising us to the sky. I'm getting nervous now, are you Bakugo?" I heard Kirishima. He didn't seem an ounce of nervousness.

"No way I'm nervous. You're just getting stage fright, wuss." Bakugo replied with. The other classes were called in. I saw the familiar purple hair and his class. I debate on whether or not to go talk to him, but I decide against it. We are taken to a stage with the Rated R Hero Midnight. Everyone started mumbling about how she was here at a high school while she was 18+. 

"Silence! My tenure here at this school is perfectly on the level!" Midnight yelled. I winced. "Now! Player rep., Bakugo Katsuki of 1-A!"

"Our representative is Kacchan?!" Izuku asked as he walked past us. I didn't even notice he was behind us. 

"He d-did place f-first I-in the e-exam." I reason as I watch him walk to the front. 

"Yeah, the Heroics Entrance Exam." I overheard one of 1-B students say. I grabbed my arm and looked at my feet. Izuku grabbed my shoulder and gave me a small smile. I smile back and I look ahead with all the courage I could muster. 

"Sensei, I'm gonna place first." Bakugo said in front of everyone. I slap my head as Kirishima groaned about knowing he would do that. Everyone started booing. They were saying things like "Don't push your luck!" Another person added in the slime incident. I froze since that one hurt the most. 

"You'll all make fantastic stepping stones." Bakugo said. The guy with the silver around his eyes was muttering about how over-confident Bakugo was but I don't think that's it. 

"Alright! With that we can move directly onto our first event!" Midnight said pointing to a screen. There really is never an idle pause in UA. "And this year's first round of Destiny is... This!" Midnight yelled as she pointed to a board behind her with words reading obstacle race. She gave a breakdown of it about it's between all the classes and we are allowed to use and do anything we want inside the race. We went into positions and we waited for the light above the start to turn green. 

"START!" I hear and I go running. The beginning is too narrow for all of us so it must be our first obstacle. Todoroki uses his quirk and I'm about to get caught up in it. I quickly grab the pole the girl with black hair in a ponytail, I think it was Momo if I'm not mistaken, that she made with her quirk after jumping up. She didn't notice me thankfully. The others were frozen in place And only a few people had missed the trick. Todoroki said it was more people than he thought though. I jump offend I start to run ahead after all my training. While I was running, I saw the purple pervert being thrown after a robot punched him. 

"I-it's the r-robots from the e-entrance e-exam. I say as I look towards them in fear. I remember what happened to Izuku from our last encounter with the robots. 

"AND HERE IS THE OBSTACLES. THE FIRST BARRIER IS A ROBO INFERNO!" Present Mic screams. I steel myself so I will be able to not flinch or lose focus. I overheard some people talking about that being one of the robots we had to fight in the hero exam. Momo was wondering got how they were getting the funds for this. Rodrigo throws a bunch of ice towards the bots. Some people were celebrating and about to run through the robots including Izuku. I pushed him back and shook my head no since there had to be a trick involved with this. 

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