The Day With Izuku

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It was the week before the UA test was. You could tell how much Izuku has worked out and same with me, he would say. I didn't believe him because I looked just like my before photo. I started going on more runs, going to the gym a lot more, and I furthered my diet. 

"How do you do it Izuku? You look completely ripped and different and I still look the same!" I asked him as I passed him on my morning 5 mile run. I always did my runs at specific times and specific miles. In the morning, it was 5 miles at 5 in the morning. At exactly 12:30 after my protein bar and energy drink, I would run 8 miles. Last but not least, I would do 10 miles at 8 right before dinner and then after I would run 7 miles. This took a while to get used to, but now I can go on my runs and probably go at least 3 miles more after every run.

"That is so not true! You actually have helped me work harder myself! You know what, I will take you to one of my training practices right now." He said as he dragged me. He told me to run there is 9 more miles than what I'm used to but I still ran alongside him. I beat him because I made it a fun competition. I arrived at the place and was astonished about how much trash there was on a beach! ZuZu caught up to me and saw my face. He startled me because he laughed at my face. 

"You want to see the beginning of it all?" He asked. I nodded my head. He showed me a picture of the beach and it was full of trash! I look at Izuku and then at the picture over and over speechless. He said that he was the one who was cleaning this up and I'm pretty sure my jaw dropped to the ground. All Might came out and saw me. Now I'm going to be stuttering again. Awesome...

"Good morning Young Midorya! Is this your friend?!" He asked, obviously forgetting me. Izuku told him that I was his sister and All Might refused to stop apologizing.

"I-it's O-ok." I say looking down at my feet.

"Will you be joining practice today?!" All Might asked with his smile. I nodded my head and he told me that this was hard and asked if I still wanted to. I look him in his eyes and nod again. We start training and it was hard but it wasn't as grueling as All Might explained. I ask All Might if he could sit on the large box I was pulling and he sat down. 

"Pull me, Young Midorya's sister!" He said like a child. I chuckle.

"Y-you can c-call me Y/N y-you know." I say with my stutter. No matter how brave I am, I don't think I'll be able to get over my stutter. All Might laughs and says ok as I pull him over to the pile. He looks at me after I get to the pile and says in shock that I beat ZuZu's record. ZuZu obviously comes over and pushes it with All Might on. 

"Oh yeah?!" He challenged. I smirk and look at All Might to say that he should tell ZuZu that he won so we could do some actual work. All Might winked to say he got the message and I walked off to work some more. I chuckled to myself as I clean the beach at Izuku. He chose the strangest positions to carry the things and wasn't picking up a lot. I get back to work and we run home for lunch. Mom made Izuku a small healthy meal and I had my energy drink and protein bar.

"Hey Mom, I'm probably going to be home late. I need to buy myself more of my favorite energy drinks and protein bars. I'll text you when I leave for the store." I tell Mom as I drink my favorite flavor of Red Bull. Mom nodded her head and asked me if I needed any extra money. I told her no and realized it was time for my afternoon run. I say goodbye to Mom as I run out the door. I will run around and come back home to pick up ZuZu on my way back and we will run to the gym. Since I went to the beach with ZuZu, he agreed to go to the gym with me. I have wanted to do something with Izuku for a while since his routine limits when I am able to see him. When we are finished with the gym, I go over to Izuku to see that he sees Bakugo. I grab his arm and silently and quickly got out of there.

"Let's go too that arcade over their. I think we deserve a break." Izuku suggests. I immediately agree and we walk in and they added a new VR game. I had never been in one but ZuZu did when I was at work last year. He pulls me towards it and bought us a try on it. 

"Do you want Roller Coaster or Horror." Asked a tired man. I hated both of those, but I know how much Izuku loves roller coasters. I tell the man. I see Izuku's eyes light up. I give him the bravest look I could muster. Izuku smiled and told me to choose the level. I chose 4. When I said it and the goggles were put over my head, I got a twist in my gut and I hear Izuku tell me that if I got scared, I could hold his hand. I smiled and then the ride started. It was ok at the beginning. It started out slow then it got faster and we went over bumps and at one point, we went upside down, then we went through a loop and loop. I've been holding Izuku's hand since we went up the big hill and we went super fast, but now I hold tighter. I hear Izuku laughing over my scream. 

How is he laughing?! I'm about to lose my head! I try to look over but I saw no one there. I forgot we were in a VR but I realized that after the ride. I feel Izuku's hand, or is that a feeling I have because I've been holding it for so long and on the upside down part he fell off?! I then see the end and I wait for the seat to allow me to get off but instead, everything turns black. Have I passed out?! The goggles came off and I thought I had died. Izuku is in front of me.

"Come on its over! Can you please get off and maybe loosen your grip?" Izuku laughs at me. I try to get off but I'm shaking too hard. ZuZu helps me out and I loosen my grip on his hand once I realize that my knuckles are white. I can't move my hand from that position and Izuku can't move his hand either. "I think you might've cut off circulation in my hand. You got a really tight grip!" Izuku smiles while also trying to wake up his hand. We go to more places and we had so much fun. We then realize how late it is and we run home as fast as we could that I forgot my lunch for tomorrow. When we get home I realize this. I make a note to get it tomorrow on my morning run. Mom looks at us and smiles. 

"How was your day off?" She asked. We look at her in shock. 

"How did you know?!" We asked surprised. She told us that she knows everything and we laugh. "Come eat dinner!" Says Mom. We run to the table and Mom brings out her Ramen. We look at it, our mouths watering not knowing how hungry we were until then. We eat it up immediately and I tell the family that I'm tired and I go to bed. I get into my pjs and I wrap myself like a burrito in my blanket and climb to the top bunk of the bunk bed I share with Izuku. I go to sleep immediately. When it was morning, mom was shaking me awake reminding me about my morning run. I thank her as I rub my eyes. I get into a f/c t-shirt and into black leggings. I go on my run and remember about my lunch. I run to the closest store and I grab f/f of f/ed. (Favorite flavor of Favorite Energy Drink) I am about to check out when I see Bakugo. I hope that he doesn't see me. Unfortunately, he did. He walked over to me and I pretended not to see him. He takes me out of line.

"W-what are you d-doing?!" I asked scared. He looked at me and said nothing. Screw being scared, I'm now freaking terrified. I have learned that if Bakugo is silent, that is when he is most deadly. 

"What are you doing?" He finally asked rolling his eyes still looking me straight in my eyes.


This was such a long chapter! I didn't even notice how long it was until I wrote for Bakugo. 😅 I hope you enjoyed this chapter though. Thank you so much for reading! You guys are awesome!

Word Count: 1598

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