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I woke up this morning and did my usual routine. I ran back home and Izuku was all dressed up for something. Wait...

"The Entrance Exam!" I almost yelled. I ran straight past Izuku as fast as I could and took a quick shower. I got dressed and quickly grabbed my necessities. "Let's go ZuZu!" I say as I run out the door.

"Wow. You actually yelled. You must be super nervous Y/N!" Exclaimed Izuku. 

"I am, and I'm going to be even more nervous if we don't make it in time!" I say nervously. We continue running to UA. We finally arrive and we look up in excitement and nervousness at the same time.

"We... Made... It... Y/N." Izuku said panting but still smiling. I smile back, but I'm not tired. I could do 5 more of those and still not be tired thanks to my hard tortu- I mean training. We see Bakugo and I freeze in place. Izuku is nervous but he does pull me out of the way a little.  I was about to rub his head for pushing me out if the way when he started walking and I accidentally tripped him. I try to grab him but trip on my own feet. As I think I'm about to hit the ground, I realize I'm levitating. 

"Sorry for using my quirk on you two but I think it would be bad luck if you two fell before the test!" Exclaimed a cute girl. I look at ZuZu who was blushing a little so I spoke up for both of us.

"T-thank you!"

"No prob! Now let's do the best we can! I hope I can see the both of you later!" Shouted the girl as she ran off. If only I could be that Extroverted. I chuckle at Izuku who is still dumbfounded.

"I actually spoke to a girl who isn't family." He whispered.

"C-correction. I did all the t-talking." I giggle. Izuku chuckles back and we walk towards the gates of UA for the exam.

"HELLO AND WELCOME TO MY LIVE SHOW LISTENERS! CAN I GET A HEEEEEY?!" Shouted Present Mic. I couldn't stand his voice. I look over at Izuku who's muttering  over him. I don't know if I should let him stay and obsess, or if I should grab his sleeve to show that Present Mics voice was hurting my ears. I let him obsess and I cover my ears so I can hear him but it won't hurt my ears. "IM GOING TO GIVE YOU A RUNDOWN! ARE YOU READY?!" He screamed. Luckily it wasn't as loud but it was still loud enough to make me jump. To make things better, everyone screamed "Yeah". Just my luck today. Izuku notices and he covers my ears more and tries to calm me down. I thank him because I could feel my nerves die down. I notice that Izuku is still fanboying and Bakugo, who was sitting next to us, told Izuku to shut up. I got a little feisty since my nerves were still kinda shot.

"Maybe you should too sometimes." I say. I cover my mouth in shame and get ready to die. I look over when Bakugo says nothing, and he's just sitting there with a scowl but he's not attacking me! I also notice that Izuku just explained the rules to him a little. That might be another reason. Present Mic started talking about points and our opponents in the Exam and when he was almost finished, a guy with blue hair stood up. Talking about how there was 4 bots not 3, making it harder for all of us and making me scared even more.

"And you with the curly hair! Stop muttering! Your ruining this for other people who actually want to be heros! And shy girl! If your always going to be this scared, then take the green boy out of here!" He yelled pointing at us. Izuku stopped fanboying but you could tell he wanted to.

"I-Im Sorry. B-but I still want to be a h-hero!" I say as load as I could muster. Blue boy sat down and Present Mic continued. He finished with a yell of Plus Ultra that was about to make me deaf. We all headed to our spots and the place was huge! I looked over at Izuku and he was scared out of his mind. I looked around at the competitors and I was beginning to shake a little myself. While I'm looking around, I see the girl. I nudge Izuku and point at her. He grabs my arm and is about to walk towards him when blue hair walked towards us. 

"I see what your trying to do. Your planning to measure that girls power of concentration." He said behind our backs. I've always listened to Izuku's muttering so I accidentally listened in on him. He came behind Izuku and me putting his hands on our backs and  asked, "Who do you think you are my friend? You didn't come here to obstruct your fellow test takers did you?" Izuku jumped at least 5 feet in the air. Everyone started snickering and muttering all around us while Blue hair looked at us as if he was superior to us.

"AAND START!" Yelled Present Mic. When we were all confused l, he said there's no countdown in a real battle. Everyone ran an me and Izuku watched then I grabbed Izuku's hand and ran as fast as I could, dragging Izuku behind me. We were already far behind and we needed to catch up. A robot ran in front of us and I couldn't move. Izuku wasn't moving at all either so I guess he was just as scared. A sparkling boy ran past us and hit the robot. He then said that we had nice teamwork but we would never see each other again. If I was any bit more courageous, I would love to smack him across his sparkle face. We looked around trying to find other villains but everyone was fighting one! This is bad, real bad. Then, a giant robot burst from the ground, every was running and I wanted to as well but I was frozen again. Izuku fell backwards and was crawling away slowly. Izuku was about to grab my arm and run, but I heard someone say ow and Izuku heard it too. We both look in unison at the source of it and it was the girl! Izuku ran towards the robot faster than I've ever seen him go. I run and I tried to get the girl out but it was no use! I tried harder then I looked at Izuku and he was flying in the air! I notice his legs are broken and he says Smash just like All Might and breaks his arm while punching the robot. The robot was destroyed in one punch and I look in awe to remember the girl who was staring as well. 

"I'm going to get you out! Just hold on ok?!" I yell. She nods and I finally get enough power to lift the rubble off of her and let her out. She crawls out and lays in her back. I look back at Izuku who is now falling at a very high speed towards the ground. 

"IZUKU!" I scream running towards him. 


Omg! I finally got to the actual test finally! This took me so long to do because of school! I hope you are having a good day/night!

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