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I wake up in Recovery girls office. There were lots of presents around the bed. I grab the stuffed animals and put them all around me. There was a Shark, a Frog, a Microphone, a Pikachu, a cute bird, a Teddy Bear, an All Might stuffed animal and a lot more. Izuku must've told everyone how much I love stuffed animals. There were other presents but the stuffed animals were my favorite. I went back to sleep with all of them around me. I woke up and I saw Izuku talking to Recovery Girl. 

"H-Hi ZuZu!" I a say waving at him. He chuckled at me.

"Hi Y/N. How was your nap?" Izuku asked. 

"I f-feel r-refreshed." I say stretching my arms. I get out of the bed and make sure I don't step on anything. "What happened while I was asleep?"

"You missed everyone fighting. Because of our injuries, they stopped classes for a while until we were ok." Izuku said.

"How are you and how long have I been out?" I asked him.

"I'm good. My arm does kinda hurt but I'm alright. You've been out for an extra day than me. I refused to go to class though because I wanted to make sure you were alright." Izuku smiled. I smile back and we head to class together. As soon as we walked in, we were bombarded by everyone. I quickly jumped and hid behind Izuku. Everyone quieted down for me and they introduced themselves. It was cool to meet everyone. Iida was now yelling at a blackbird. I was still kinda scared of Iida because of how much he yelled. Ochako came over to us.

"Y/N, Deku, are you both ok?" She asked.

"W-we're f-fine Ochako!" I say. Deku than asked about Bakugo and as soon as she answered that he left, Izuku ran out. I stare in shock at what just happened and thought it would be useless to follow him. I know when Izuku is in trouble so I go to my seat and start doodling. I like to doodle simple illusions. Soon the school day was over since Izuku and I had arrived to class really late. The next morning when we walked to school, the place was crowded by news reporters asking about what it is like to have All Might as our teacher. I tensed up by how many people were there. Izuku noticed and tried to get me through as quick as he could, but there was to many people. We got separated and I was surrounded by loud obnoxious reporters. A lot of them tried to ask me questions. I was about to scream when I felt someone holding me. I got really scared and I was about to scream but then they put their hand over my mouth. I look and it's Aizawa. I relaxed a little bit and Aizawa noticed this. He kept a close grip on me and was taking other students who were also stuck in the crowd with his scarf. As soon as we were in the gates of Yuuei, he let all of us go. I hugged Aizawa as a thank you and hugged back. I let go and found Izuku and we raced to class. I looked back at Aizawa as I go inside and he's smiling at me. I smile back then run off. When class started, he gave us some tips. 

"Now, Im sorry that I have to just spring this on you, but we need to choose a class President." Aizawa told us. Everyone sighed thankful it wasn't another test, but then everyone jumped up shouting that they wanted to be class president. I jumped and covered my ears. Izuku handed me earplugs and I thanked him. I put them in and it helped. Then Iida said something about being Class President is a lot of responsibility. Then he said that we needed to vote for the best possible result. Everyone agreed and we all voted. When the voting was finished and counting, Izuku got 1st and Momo as 2nd. I was 3rd. Izuku was surprised that he got Class President. Class finished and we went to lunch. I sat with Izuku, Ochako, and Iida. Iida was talking about how he thought that Izuku would be a terrific president while I ate my Teriyaki Chicken bowl. I put down my food and asked him at the same time as Ochako. 

"A-are you from a-an Upper-Crust Family?" We asked. He told us yes.

"Have you heard of the Turbo Hero Ingenium?" Iida asked. Izuku got into his rampage of muttering. "Well, he's my big brother." Iida explained. All our mouths dropped. I started to eat my Katsudon so I could think without muttering like Deku was. Soon we heard a siren and I dropped my Katsudon. (RIP)

"What are you doing?! That siren means someone broke into the school and we needed to evacuate!" Somebody yelled at us. We headed out and everyone was rushing to get out. I was quickly torn apart from Izuku and the others and I was stuck in the crowd and I was crammed against the wall. My claustrophobia kicked in and I was hyperventilating like crazy. I was about to scream a little to get everyone off of me. Before I could, Kirishima must've been close been close behind me because he was shielding me from everyone coming past. I blushed in extreme embarrassment and soon I saw Iida. He was floating and he was using his quirk to get to the front to gain everyone attention and he shouted that it was a false alarm. After that, everyone calmed down and Kirishima stopped shielding me. 

"Are you alright?" He asked me holding onto my shoulders.

"Y-yeah. I-I'm fine. T-thank y-you." I say. I started to walk so I could find Izuku when someone bumps into me and I drop my notebook with drawings. I quickly apologize and I try to grab my notebook. I look up and it's a boy in my class. I think he's the son of Endeavor. He grabs my notebook before I do and he starts looking through the drawings. 

"H-Hey. May I-I please have my n-notebooks?" I ask as I try to grab my notebook. Before I am able to grab it, Izuku runs up to me making me jump.

"There you are! Are you ok Y/N?!" Izuku yelled as he checked me. He started saying we needed to get to class before we are late.

"W-Wait! M-My n-notebook!" I say as Izuku drags me. He takes me to the vending machines and he buys me my favorite drink. I take a sip and Izuku sits next to me. We talked a small bit and I finished my drink. Before any of us said anything, he was off yelling that the last one to class bought the other person their favorite drink. I won and I took a victory lap around him. Everyone started to stare at me and I froze. I quickly ran to my seat in embarrassment and I see the person I bumped into. I remember his name, Todoroki. I look over and he didn't have the notebook anymore, now Kirishima had it. I wanted to bang my head on my desk but I didn't want more attention that everyone was already giving me. 

Izuku was standing at the front and he already started the announcements. He gained confidence the second he spoke. He told the class that he wanted Iida to be the president since he was able to calm everyone down in a quick way. I nodded my head when he looked at me. Iida accepted the position and Izuku sat down. I gave him a high five and Momo wasn't liking the idea since she got more points than him.

"D-dont let us down, Emergency Exit Iida!" Kirishima and I said at the same time. I smiled at him and he returned it. This year is going to be so much fun.

Haiiiii everyone! How are you? Are you guys doing ok? Thanks so much for reading this chapter! Please vote on this chapter because it would mean a lot to me! You guys are amazing!
Bye my kimoras! ❤️

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