Chapter 1: Karaoke

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"Oh my god I fucking hate this class!" the blonde haired teen groaned as he ran his hands over his face.

"Yeonjun! Don't cuss my mom is downstairs!" the tall boy scolded smacking yeonjun on the arm.

"Ow! Alright I'm sorry but this project is so annoying like, who even cares about the war? It happened like a million years ago!"

"Wow, I think that proves why you need to stay in school yeonjun." He laughed as he continued writing notes in his notebook.

"Come on Soobin, can't we just take a break? We've been researching for two hours." He whined as he dramatically collapsed to the carpet beneath him.

Soobin laughed rolling his eyes at his dramatic best friend. Yeonjun looked up at him giving him puppy-dog eyes and sticking his bottom lip out in a pout.

"Okay fine but this means you have to stay over and work with me overnight then." Soobin said crossing his arms.

"Deal. It's not like I'd want to go home anyway." Yeonjun said sitting back up.

Soobin closed his notebook and shut his laptop.

"Is stuff still not going well at home?"

Yeonjun held a pillow in his lap and brushed his blonde bangs back.

"it's the same it's always been, dad just likes to cause drama and blame everything on me, nothing new."

Soobin looked down at the floor for a second sympathizing with his best friend.

"Hey, let's go out for barbeque, I just got my allowance this morning." Soobin said perking up trying to lighten the mood.

Yeonjun's face lit up.


Soobin ruffled his hair and smiled.

"of course, you've worked hard this week and only fell asleep in class twice, that's a new record for you!" Soobin teased.

"Okay well in my defense, Mr. Park makes me wanna chew on broken glass so I might as well catch up on my sleep instead of torturing myself by hearing his voice."

"Oh, come on, he's not that bad." Soobin said rolling his eyes.

"Yes, he is! Have you heard that guy talk? He makes math worse than it already is."

Soobin laughed as he stood up. "Okay okay, let's go eat." Soobin said holding his hand out for yeonjun.

Yeonjun let Soobin pull him off the floor and out of his bedroom.

They went down the stairs and were greeted by Soobin's mom.

"Hey boys, finished with your project?"

"No not yet, we're taking a break." Soobin informed as he pulled his shoes on.

"Oh, well where are you going?"

"Soobin is buying me barbeque!" yeonjun squealed as he shook Soobin's shoulders in excitement.

The woman laughed at Yeonjun's childishness.

"If you don't stop, I'm gonna leave you outside of the restaurant." Soobin warned making yeonjun let go.

"Okay okay." Yeonjun whined.

"Okay well you boys have fun then, be careful out on your own, okay?"

"don't worry mom, we'll be fine." Soobin said standing up and kissing her cheek.

"Bye Mrs. choi!" yeonjun waved as they ran out the front door.

"Hey Soobin, why don't we invite kai to eat with us? His tutoring should be over by now." Yeonjun said checking his smart watch.

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