Chapter 7: Refuge

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Yes, this is a short update, i promise i'm going to finish this soon!

The next morning, the zombies had left, moving on to terrorize another town. They grabbed their supplies and headed back to the truck, yeonjun stopped before exiting, looking down at kai's lifeless body, blood and brain matter splattered around the area.

Soobin came up to him wrapping an arm around his shoulders and leading him out of the gas station.

They loaded up in the truck and continued driving towards the rescue camp.

The boys were completely silent as they drove down the vacant road. Beomgyu leaned against taehyun's shoulder feeling crestfallen about the loss of their friend.

Yeonjun had never been this quiet before, his usual loud demeanor completely faded as he leaned his head against the window.

Soobin had a tight grip on the steering wheel as he drove trying to focus on driving.

After a silent two hours, they arrived in Daegu. There were lines of people waiting to enter the large warehouse where military officers were standing guard.

soobin sighed in relief seeing other human beings. He turned off the car and turned to the boys.

"okay guys, this is it, we made it." Soobin smiled softly at the boys in the back seat.

Beomgyu looked out the window with wide eyesm crawling across taehyun's lap and pressing his hands to the window.

"oh my god, oh my god it's real!" beomgyu cried out as tears of relief came to his eyes.

Taehyun smiled softly at beomgyu grabbing him softly and pressing their forheads together, his hand resting softly on the nape of his neck.

"it's okay baby, we're safe now, we made it my love." He whispered fighting the urge to cry himself.

Soobin reached over and took yeonjun's hand squeezing it hard.

"let's go?" he smiled softly at his best friend earning a small nod from yeonjun.

They got out of the truck putting their hands up and walking towards the gate.

"freeze! You four stop right there!" a guard ordered.

They stopped in their tracks planning their feet firmly on the ground.

Two guards approached them, decked out in tacticle gear and both wielding large guns.

"where are you coming from?"

"seoul sir, we all live there." Soobin answered in a shaky voice being intimidated by the large man.

"have any of you been bitten or exposed to the infected's saliva?"

"no sir, we are all clean." Yeonjun said.

A man approached them with a small flashlight and shined it in their eyes before nodding to the other man.

"okay, each of you in a line for examination." He pointed to the lines of people by the gate.

They nodded before walking towards the area.

"okay, looks like we have to split up for a bit. Once our examniations are done we can re-group okay?" soobin said, his hand gently on yeonjun's shoulder.

"wait, we...we have to split up?" beomgyu said with a scared expression on his face.

Taehyun quickly placed both hands on his arms and looked him in the eyes.

"beom, honey it's okay. It'll only be for a little while and we'll meet back up later." He explained gently trying to keep beomgyu from panicking.

" have to come back can't leave me again." Beomgyu said before he threw himself into taehyun's chest hugging him tight.

Taehyun hugged back running his hand through beomgyu's hair.

"I promise you I will come back to you bamgyu." He whispered in beomgyu's ear.

"keep the line moving!" a guard ordered to the two boys.

", we have to go." He whispered biting back some tears.

Beomgyu was reluctant at first, not wanting taehyun to disappear again.

"it's okay my love, it'll be okay." He whispered before planting a soft sweet kiss to beomgyu's lips.

"tae...i..i don't wanna leave you." He said sadly.

"come on beom, be good hm? For me?"

Beomgyu sadly nodded his head before slowly walking over to his assigned line.

"see you guys later yeah?" taehyun said to the two eldest.

They nodded, soobin giving taehyun a quick hug before he walked off.

Soobin turned to yeonjun.

"we'll be okay yeah?"

Yeonjun nodded looking into soobin's eyes.

They stood there silently for a second before both going into each other's arms into a tight hug.

"you better come back choi soobin or I swear to god I'll kill you." Yeonjun said with tears in his eyes.

Soobin chuckled tearfully.

"right back at you, you asshole."

Yeonjun chuckled sadly taking in soobin's scent before they broke apart.

They smiled as they did their best friend handshake.

They both walked to their designated lines and stood with the other survivors waiting to be accepted in the camp.

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